Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bears Recap: fuck Jay Cutler

I hate Jay Cutler right now

Those Jay Baby drinking pics are epic...

Seriously though... 5 turnovers... four picks... one of them might not have been his fault... but that pick 6 was the worst...

Paying the money the Bears do for Cutler is like paying someone to repeatedly kick you right in the junk. I feel bad for Mike Martz today. He calls a good game... and Jay shits all over it.

Let me put this delicately... fuck Jay Cutler.

Heres the rest of the recap:

  • DJ Moore is a total stud and should have had 2 pick sixs
  • McNabb blows... period
  • Screw Lovie for not challenging on the Jay fumble at the goal line... he scored and Lovie was busy taking a dump or something
  • Cutler makes me miss Sexy Rexy
  • Cutler put DeAngelo Hall in the Hall of Fame today
  • Can't believe this team is in first place... worst first place team ever
And I can't stress this enough: EFF JAY CUTLER!!!

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