Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bears Recap - What a damn joke...

Jesus christ Martz... we rush for a billion yards last week and you run the ball like... uhhh... ONCE?

You dickhead.

Jay was lucky he didn't get another damn concussion today...

Couple notes...

Briggs being out SUCKED and it showed

Peppers... anyone home?

Hester is still the TITS

Tommie Harris is still hanging with Henry Hill in the witness protection program, evidently

and nice clock/time out management... Thanks Lovie/Martz/Cutler... you assholes cost us the GD game!


thank god for the Packers being total choke artists just like the Bears... and thank you Miami, for not having you-know-who still kicking for you...

Ray Finkle... ur fucking out!

in conclusion... I'm 0-3 on Bears predictions for Stump the Tromp... fuck... and 0-4 overall when you include my BSU homecoming prediction...

with that said... my next prediction... 2011 Cubs don't do shit! C'mon prediction don't stop being dead wrong now!!!

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