Wednesday, October 13, 2010

forgotten 80's movies - Volume 1

We begin with the underrated, totally epic height of Chevy Chase and Elwood Blues' comedy dominance... Spies Like Us

Soooo many good one liners
  • "Gentleman, begin radical vertical impact simulation now!"
  • "For God's sake man, show some balls!"
    "I think it's a little late to try to impress them."  
  • Doctor... Doctor... Doctor... Doctor... Doctor...
And by the my favsies...
  • Sorry I'm late. I had to attend the reading of a will. I had to stay until the very end, in which I found out that I recieved nothing. (video below)

If you have never seen it... its cool... I hardly know anyone who has ever seen it.

But if you do... you can drop these awesome one liners... and nobody will know what you are talking about... it will be a nice change of pace from the overused one liners from Anchorman, Old School and the Hangover...

For real comedy - depend on the 80's - back when people were actually FUNNY, and not just doing funny things. Big difference. Example... Zach Galifinakis (don't give a fuck if thats spelled right) is hilarious. But he's no John Candy.

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