Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2011 Oscar Hosts - what a damn joke!

This blog is topical just like "South Park"... just not as funny... three words... Mintberry Crunch and SHABLAGOO!!!

Anne Hathaway and James Franco to host this years Academy Awards? Good gravy... and not the good kind of gravy I inhaled last Thursday...

The thing that makes a great Oscar host is stage presence, the ability to perform LIVE... classic examples are Billy Crystal, Johnny Carson, Hugh Jackman, Chevy Chase and yes, David Letterman...

If the Academy had any brains, and they don't, they would have picked from these three hosts...

Ricky Gervais... no brainer... this guy dominated the Golden Globes...

Jimmy Fallon... he killed it at the Emmys... this opening was unreal, and I'm not even that big a fan of "Glee" (it's not terrible)

and of course... Billy Crystal... no explanation necessary...

Ohhhh noooo... but Hathaway and Franco are gonna be great! Uhhhhh no they won't... Harry Osborne is a little bitch... damnit... as long as the Academy gives a best supporting nod for Michael Douglas for "Wall Street 2", I'll sleep alright...

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