Sunday, November 28, 2010

BEARS RECAP - It's Always Cloudy in Philadelphia!

First off, thank you Brad Whitlock for the title to this post... that's the kind of brilliance several LaBatt Blue's and some Trompeter brats with grilled onions will produce...


Sorry Philly, you little bitch... there is still only three things that are good about you... your steak sandwiches, ROCKY and....

and that's the fact, JACK!

8-3 and on top of the division feels unreal good right now... on top of a great win... the bitch ass Packers lost... LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!

Few thoughts:
  • Jay Baby was epic today... 4 TDs... splish splash
  • Earl Bennett... u sooo crazy
  • Bearse contained Vick pretty well... no nutso runs from him... he threw the ball very well, but Bearse made the big plays when they needed... sooo yup... we win
  • Andy Reid is a hippo
  • Greg Olsen once again is the champion of the catch, master of the Red Zone and touchdowns for everyone
  • Packers suck
Anywho... I don't really care to hear about how da Bearse aren't that good anymore... I've even been vocal about how they haven't been that good... but not anymore... good teams just don't keep winning... mmmmkay?

So if you want to keep bitching about how da Bearse are still lousy... watch this shit

Later boners

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