Saturday, November 27, 2010

Dancing 101

It's a holiday weekend, and people are going to be going out to parties and the bar scene... and if you are like the Nevada football team and want to get LUCKY, you need to learn a few dance moves first...

Look here ya turkeys... I realize that most of the people that read this blog are my facebook friends, twitter followers and apparently a few people in Alaska (which is what google analytics tells me)

There is a strong chance that if you are reading this blog... you can't dance... that's just a shot in the dark... but I just GOT A FEELIN'... omg sorry for that... that was an outburst of lameness...

As for me, you and I both know I am a phenomenal dancer... just like my boy below

I went to the Kevin James School of DANCE... no big deal or anything... the end result of Mr. James tutelage is that I am the life of the dance floor... parties, club... WEDDINGS

Now, you yourself can achieve this same success by watching this self-help dance video below... if you are at a party tonight or the bars and the right song comes on and you pull out the Q-Tip dance... you're in the fuckin' zone

"Hitch" ftw

FLIP SIDE... don't do this below... granted, I love you George McFly and I know you don't like confrontations... but your moves in "Friday the 13th - Part 4" are just bad news... I have a feeling this is how Big Ben dances when he is at the clubs, hence why he has to force women to touch him...

Yikes, that last joke was lamer than FDR's legs.... oooooooooooo.... too soon?

Kyle, post the clip...

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