Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bears Prediction!

No more fucking around this week... duchebag is in town...

I hate Brett Favre soo much it hurts sometimes. Watching the Vikings make that comeback against the dog-breath Cardinals last week was like watching an entire flock of birds hover over your car and take a giant collective bird shit all over it. I was like, "Stop, don't do that!!!! AHHHHH they did it... godddd dammmmmmmit!"

What is scary for us Bears fans is we don't know if that win was a fluke or not. If the Cards had just done their jobs and finished the game off, then Minnesota and the Dancin' Favres would be, like Bob Brenly says about the Cubs, a "Dead-ass team!"

SIDENOTE - I luvvvvvv Bob Brenly

If I have to pick a side, and I will... I'm going to go with FLUKE.

Why? This week, I'm choosing to believe the Bears are going to start building towards a great second half. I believe last weeks win was the start of something big for Lovie Smith. Everyone knows if the Bears don't make the playoffs, Lovie is out like the fat kid in dodgeball.

Also, since I'm a miracle man like Joaquin Phoenix in "Signs", Lovie is destined to keep coaching the Bears, and why not? Most people in Chicago want him gone. So what's going to happen? He'll find a way to keep winning just enough to save his job.

So goes the life of a Chicago sports fan. You just can't win even when you do win.


The Beloved - 23
Brett Sucks - 20

Robbie Gould wins it with a FG!

And here is one of the best videos about the shittiness of that assclown Brett Favre you will ever see.

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