Monday, December 20, 2010


Bearse clinch the NFC North and end Brett Favre's career on the same night? It really is Christmas time!

Big ups to the best return man in the history of the sport breaking the all time record for TD returns... 14... epic

This game was all business... get to the quarterback... get the ball... pound the ball... put it in the end zone... win the division

BIG UPS to Corey Wootton! Representing the Northwestern Wildcats in style... his first sack knocks bitch Favre out of the game... that's poetry... that's beautiful... I luvvvvvvvv Corey Wootton! In fact, Wootton hit Favre soooo hard, I think Austin Collie just got another concussion...

Closing out the division was soooooooooooo key... the Jets next week will be a total mystery and I think the Packers will beat the Giants... so they needed to take care of his tonight... they did... go Lovie!

Here are some thoughts on the division champs:
  • Jay Baby played a pretty solid game... the one pick wouldn't have happened if J'Marcus Webb wasn't terrible at his job and gotten a penalty on the previous play that nullified a touchdown pass to DA
  • J'Marcus Webb... go home... you are worthless
  • Chris Harris... a few big hits and a nice pick... delightful
  • Packers suck
  • Joe Webb... you are just a backup quarterback with a small brain... a third of the size of Jay Baby's... it's science
  • I hope Favre never plays again... to be able to say da Bearse sent that dipshit to retirement would be sooooooo choice
  • Julius Peppers is a BEAST
  • Packers suck
  • We need to spend every dollar in this offseason on the offensive line... do that, and keep Jay Baby and Martz together and da Bearse offense is gonna be zoppidy
  • Lovie gets us back to the playoffs = he gets to stick around
  • Major Wright can drop the hammer... dude can HIT!
  • Bad field conditions doesn't stop Robbie Gould
  • Hey look, 40 points! In bad weather! 
  • ESPN's coverage of Favre is sooooo painful... what the hell is that channel going to do when he's not playing anymore???? They're gonna have like 6 hours of dead air without all of the Favre programming... love that they give coverage to a total scumbag... it's not the same as Tiger coverage because Tiger is actually GOOD!
The Beloved are NFC North Champs again, just like it should be... still have some work to do... they win out and they get the second seed and a bye... that'd be pretty sweet... but one thing at a time!


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