Thursday, December 2, 2010

December preview!

Feels like yesterday was f'n July... now it's December, and this month needs to, as Dr. Ian Malcolm says, "Must Go Faster!"... wake me when it's Xmas Eve... or at least on mah b-day!

I know it's December bc I was in my house and noticed two guys creepin' thru the windows...

Anywho... this is shaping up to be a killer month...we have soo much to look forward to:
  • Daaa Bearse on a playoff run... as long as Jay Baby doesn't throw it to Chuck Woodson more than J-Knox
  • Christmas movies - no doubt there will be posts about the best Xmas movies of all time, and there will definitely be a major surprise for my top Xmas movie of all time...
  • Christmas music - fo shiz gonna be a post on top Xmas music... no surprises here... Wham's "Last Christmas" is the best Xmas song of all time
  • Throwing snowballs at cars
  • Egg Nog!!! Didn't have much egg nog when I was in Kennewick last year, it's just kind of depressing drinking egg nog alone, much more so than drinking alchy alone... in fact, I don't remember drinking any types of nog, period... 
In the meantime, I will give you all to the count of ten to get ya ugly, yella, no good keista off my blog, before I pump your guts full of Youtube clips! ONE, TWO, TEN!!! (Angels with Filthy Souls below)

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