Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stump the Tromp has MOVED!

My blog has been selected to join! I'm very excited for the opportunity to write for a great website and grow my audience!

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to check out "Stump the Tromp"! You're all gonna be wearing gold-plated diapers!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kyle's "Work Music" - Volume 11

This will easily be the most girly thing you will ever see on this blog, but I don't even care... YOU BETTER BE OK WITH IT!

I was thinking about movies I used to watch when I was a kid... and when I say movies I used to watch when I was a kid, I really mean movies that I would no doubt watch TONIGHT if I had them... like "3 Men and a Little Lady"...

I've only seen bits and pieces of the first one, "3 Men and a Baby"... must not have been that epic... well, the second was totes is... it's filled with the cheesiest 80's music, which, I think, is awesome...

Am I gay for late 80's Tom Selleck, Ted Danson and Steve Guttenberg? YOU BETCHA!

This is the song from the opening credits... it's Pete "The Boss" Ross good... deal with it! They don't make music like this anymore... the music today BLOWS! 80's was legendary

Monday, January 17, 2011

Jay Cutler and Aaron Rodgers Roundtable with STT!

This roundtable discussion took place in the downtown Stump the Tromp studio mansion...

Me - Hey fellas, thanks for coming over!

JC - This is a helluva place you got here Kyle!

AR - Yeah, it's alright...

Me/JC - (same time) JUST ALRIGHT!?!??!

JC - Jinx!

Me - Damnit! Haha, you're good!

JC - Nah, you're good!

AR - Omg you guys are losers...

Me - That's not true... alright let's start this out right... Aaron, you guys have won 2 straight road playoff games... what cheating methods did you use?

AR - Cheating methods???

JC - Kyle, Green Bay must have used some sort of cheating methods to win...

Me - Good call, Jay! (we high five)

AR  - Good call?!?! That's what he just said! And we didn't cheat! I played my heart out!

Me - More like, you played your fart out!

JC - LOL!!! (we high five)

AR - This is the worst interview already, and I've been interviewed by Alex Flanagan!

Me - It's a roundtable you moron!

JC - You are soooo stupid Aaron...

AR - I honestly feel like I'm the only smart one in the room right now...

Me - Well that may be true...

JC/Me - (same time) but at least I didn't sleep with Lumberg!

Me -oh... my... god!

JC - Office Space! (another high five)

AR - I think I should go...

Me - No no no, lets bring this back a little bit... ok... Jay... you played maybe the greatest game of all time against the Seahawks...

AR - What!?

Me - You're throw to Olsen... it was like Superman passing to... like Superman...

AR - Oh c'mon they both can't be Superman!!! At least say like Superman to the Flash!

Me - Aaron, when you throw the ball, it makes me throw up...

AR - I was 31-36 against Atlanta!

Me - Does Atlanta even have a team?

JC - Sure as heck don't Kyle!

Me - Didn't think so... moving along... now for my question... Jay, I think you are just great.


JC - Kyle, I'd be happy to answer that question...

AR - You can't! That wasn't a question! There is nothing to answer!

JC - Well, Kyle, everyone knows the Seahawks beat the Saints... and since the Saints won the Super Bowl last year, that makes the Seahawks the best team in the NFL....... behind us of course!

AR - Ok I'm leaving, that's just sooo dumb... the Seahawks were 7-9! They were terrible!

JC - If I can finish my point...

Me - Go right ahead... Aaron, please sit down. I promise you will get a turn to talk.

AR - Fine.

JC - Anywho, I went out Saturday night before the game and got crazy drunk... still hung over during the game... and was still awesome...

AR - You know what I did the night before our game? Studied my opponent, got a good night sleep and prepared for the game. Jay you are such a disgrace.

Me - Wow... strong words from a moron...

AR - You're comebacks are soo lame!

Me - Did you say lame? Or did you say excellent?

AR - I clearly said lame. Can I talk now?

Me - Nobody said you would get a chance to talk...

AR - Two seconds ago you said I would get a chance to talk!

Me - Doesn't sound like me at all...

JC - Kyle that's because you never said he could talk!

(me and Jay fist bump)

AR - Well I'm going to talk anyway... here is what is going to happen Sunday... we're marching into Soldier Field and we are going to kick the Bears ass!

Me - Jay, more strong words... do you have a response?

JC - Yeah, pretty strong words from a kicker...

AR - omg I'm not a kicker...

Me - Yeah, he's not a kicker...

AR - Thank you!

Me - He's a stupid face...

AR - I'm done... you two are a couple of complete idiots... this has been like talking to 5 year olds...

JC - Hey Aaron, wait... this has been a pretty bad few minutes... let me make it up to you... let me buy you tickets for the next time the Bulls come to Green Bay to play their NBA team...

Me - OHHHH sick burn!

AR - (walks out door)

JC - Kyle, this has been a pleasure...

Me - Thanks Jay, great stuff as always...

This may or may not have actually happened...

Epic Ski Jump Accident

Ski Jumping Accidents... are there anything more hilarious?

Ski Jump FAILS are funny because it didn't happen to us... and when we watch them on Youtube, we can laugh... why? Because we don't know the people that were in the accident! And it's not like the people die or anything... they wouldn't put the videos up if the person died! That's messed up...

I'm posting this video because it's snowing like crazy and I'm pretty sure Jack Torrence is standing outside my office window... I watched this video at least 9,000 times in my NEWS 485 class senior year in Muncie... I would have watched it more, but the horses ass Journalism professor made me get off Youtube...

FACT - Journalism profs < TCOM profs

Best :04 seconds of your day...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bears Recap - EPIC!

Seahawks are looking good... annnnnnnd it's good...

Hard to believe we are only one week away from a Bears/Packers NFC Title Game... that's the best matchup since Superman vs. General Zod in "Superman 2"...

This game is arguably bigger than the Super Bowl against the stupid ass Colts... no, not arguably... IT IS! It's Bears/Packers in the damn NFC Title Game! It doesn't get bigger than that! The only thing bigger than Bears/Packers would be if da Bearse played a team of ALIENS in the Super Bowl...

I am not going to be very productive at work this week... not when Bears/Packers is looming... I should just take the whole week off... it's like if, hopefully when, "Ghostbusters 3" comes out, I will not be doing anything the week leading up to that release...

Great win today against the Seahawks... Bearse dominated all the way... I'm not worried about the points in garbage time... here are a few thoughts:
  • Jay Baby had an epic game... it could have gone south if the Seahawks hung onto that almost interception along the goal line... Jay Baby got lucky there... other than that, he was fab...
  • Greg Olsen, ladies and gentleman!
  • Peanut Tillman can NOT drop 2 interceptions next week like he did today... 
  • Mad Martz called his best game of the season...
  • Corey Graham is a stud...
  • Tommie Harris with 2 sacks? What? Keep it up, hambone...
  • The O-Line was unreal...
  • Pete Carroll looks like he has no idea he is at a football game when they show him on the sidelines... moron...
  • Kyle Korver is the man...
Alrighty... time to get pumped for Bears/Packers... cue the music!


Saturday, January 15, 2011


Let me lead off with this... if daaa Bearse lose to the Seahawks... I'm going to grab a sleeping bag out of our attic and go take a nice nap in the middle of the Stevenson...

Hopefully Lovie won't let that happen... I know da Bearse have lost to the Seahawks earlier this year... but Jay Baby n' Company are much improved from the pre-bye week Bearse...


What the eff is going to happen in this game? I'll tell ya... The Beloved are going to come out swingin' and the Seahawks are going to keep doing what they've been doing all year - look great one week, and look completely god awful the next week...

It's cold = Hasselbeck will be a little bitch... and Pete Carroll is a rahtard...

I think Jay Baby leaves the interceptions at home with Kristin Cavallari... hmmmmmmmm... Kristin Cavallari...

I think destiny has set its sights on Bears/Packers in the NFC Title Game at Soldier Field next week... I think stupid ass Green Bay finds someway to get past Matty Ice, setting up the most epic championship game in a long time... quite possibly the most epic championship game in the history of the world, and maybe, the universe...


The Beloved - 24
Seahawks - 17

Welp, we'll see how this shit shakes out... but if the NFC Title game ends up being Seahawks/Packers... you will find me incapacitated on a diving board like Cameron in "Ferris Bueller"... 

FLASHBACK - 2006 playoffs against the Seahawks... Sexy Rexy was too cool for school... remember, at the end of the day, Rex Grossman is a Super Bowl quarterback... and Aaron Rodgers is NOT! HA!

Friday, January 14, 2011



I'm being seriously you guys, if there is a movie that completely fits the mold of the "It's soooooooo bad, it's good!" category, look no further than "Troll 2"...

This is easily one of the top moments from the movie... and it is truly horrible acting... just total perfection...