Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Nick Folk Chronicles

There is a man, a certain man, a man whose grace and handsome face are known across the land!

You know his name...

It's Mr. Folk!

Why he's worth ten times what he earns! It's Nick Folk!


To friends he's known as Nick but to you it's Mr. Folk! Fo-fo-fo-fo-fo-folk! FOLK!

Yep, sick Simpsons drop right there with a few tweaks here and there...

Due to my cold and an obscene amount of Nyquil... I missed this beauty...

So far the Ghostwriter for Joe Webb is spot on with his Wild Card picks... pretty clever! Seahawks and Jets... two teams that are sure to lose to da Bearse this playoff season... and you heard it here... daa Jetse are going to beat the Pats next week... and yes, I am giving the Jets the wonderful honor of the extra 'e' after the title, like "BearsE"... it serves as a badge of distinction...

Here's all you need to know about Nick Folk... homeboy gets up in the morning, downs a bowl of Golden Grahams, drives his DeLorean to the game, and knocks the stupid Colts out of the playoffs... word on the street is the game was almost blacked out in Indy because they couldn't sell out the game... pathetic fanbase... even the Ozzie Guillen Roast sold out in less than an hour... sh*t, the Cubs CONVENTION sold out in 24 minutes a year ago...

In conclusion... Colts suck... Peyton left too much time on the clock and Sanchez did his thing... see, you can stop Sanchez easily late in the game (like da Bearse did) as long as your defense isn't horrific... but the Colts have lots of injuries? Injuries Sminjuries... find someone new, roid him up and get out there!

Here is the best anti-Peyton video of all time...

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