Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Biff's Question Song

I took some flack a few months back for listing Biff Tannen as the most overrated villain of all time... no big deal... I was right, tho... if you need a refresher... here was THE LIST!

Anyweezer... my reasoning for the choice was pretty clear... to be a great villain, you need to actually be able to call on some worthwhile skills... stupidity is not a skill... thus, overrated... and don't get me wrong, I LOVE all 3 "BTTF" flicks... great flicks!

Moving right along... there is one skill that Biff Tannen never flaunted in the movies, and that is his singer/songwriting ability... if Tommy F. Wilson brings his comedy act to your town, it is a must see... his "Question Song" is the one of the most epic songs to come out of Hill Valley since The Pinheads absolutely bombed on stage in front of Huey Lewis for being "too darn loud"... Marvin Berry comes close to Biff's vocal talents... close...

Am I right or am I right? Right, right, right! BING! Ned Ryerson ftw

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