Monday, January 17, 2011

Epic Ski Jump Accident

Ski Jumping Accidents... are there anything more hilarious?

Ski Jump FAILS are funny because it didn't happen to us... and when we watch them on Youtube, we can laugh... why? Because we don't know the people that were in the accident! And it's not like the people die or anything... they wouldn't put the videos up if the person died! That's messed up...

I'm posting this video because it's snowing like crazy and I'm pretty sure Jack Torrence is standing outside my office window... I watched this video at least 9,000 times in my NEWS 485 class senior year in Muncie... I would have watched it more, but the horses ass Journalism professor made me get off Youtube...

FACT - Journalism profs < TCOM profs

Best :04 seconds of your day...

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