Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Job Webb Chronicles - Conclusion!

I'm watching the golf channel right now waiting for Wild Card weekend to start... and I keep thinking, "You know who would absolutely dominate on the PGA Tour? JOE WEBB!"

Then I flipped through the channels and saw a commercial for Denzel's "Unstoppable", which was an awesome movie... and I couldn't help but think if Joe Webb were in the movie... he woulda just jogged and chased it down and stopped it no problem...

I think if we elected Joe Webb to be our President, we'd all be rich as shit...

Now I just popped in a movie, "Major League: Back to the Minors"... by all accounts, a terrible film, even though I kinda like it... however, I can't help but think if Joe Webb directed the picture, it woulda won double digit Oscars, including Best Actor in a Leading Role - Scott Bakula...

Joe Webb's favorite band is "Jesse and the Rippers"...

Joe Webb knew that Bruce Willis was a ghost before M. Night Shyamalan even wrote "The Sixth Sense"...

Joe Webb offered to host "SNL", but Lorne Michaels declined because he was afraid Joe Webb would be too funny... 

Joe Webb was able to fix Rube Baker's throwing problems by threating to rip off his man sack if he couldn't figure out how to throw the ball back to the pitcher...

Joe Webb once broadcasted a football game he was playing in... put a microphone in his helmet... threw 5 TD's, won the game and a Communicator Award...

Joe Webb figured out the last number of Pi and won't tell anyone...


Joe Webb loves the Jets, Eagles, Seahawks and Chiefs this weekend...

And thus, we have "The Joe Webb Chronicles"... maybe we'll hear more about him someday... in the meantime, Joe Cool is just gonna keep doing his thing... in Joe Webb's World, everyday is a Saturday baby!

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