Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kyle's "Work Music" - Volume 9

This movie is straight up ACE...

"Dan in Real Life" is a very underrated movie... here's a few thoughts about why it's better than Bacon Day:
  • Steve Carell is more than just Michael Scott... he is just as awesome when he is playing a serious role like in this or "Little Miss Sunshine"... he should have been nominated for BSA for "LMS" instead of Alan Arkin...
  • Dane Cook can occasionally ACT... he's good in this and "Mr. Brooks"...
  • I know she is older, but Juliette Binoche... MARRY ME!
Finally, the music in this movie is mostly from Sondre Lerche, and it's very relaxing... perfect for, I don't know, WORK!

And maybe the best one... (don't know why there is a pic of a damn cat)

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