Monday, November 22, 2010

VILLAINS - Part 2 of 3 - Top 5 Overrated Villains!

Let's here it for the villains that just aren't all the way there! Now to be clear... almost all villains are failures... because in the movies, good prevails...

But there are villains that we can honestly say would under different circumstances be victorious... example... if Lex Luthor had 2 nuclear missiles that were going to hit the east coast and the west coast at the same time, could Batman stop them? Fuck no... Lex Luthor ftw


Honorable Mention:
  • Jack Parkman - his shimmy first made the women in Cleveland go crazy... but he left, then those same women puked... still, he's more liked than LeBron...
  • Doctor Octopus - I've said this before... Superman would rip off your tentacles and golf with them... and you let your wife die... DO = fail
  • Twister (from Twister) - uhhhh... you didn't kill any main characters... and your F-5 didn't faze my boy Bill Paxton... by the dubs, Dusty is one of the all time great movie characters... P.S. Hoff ftw
5 - Reggie Miller

Reggie loved being the bad guy... and it's funny... for as much trash as he talked on the court... he never won SHIT!

What a choke artist this guy was... the one year they actually had a chance to beat the Knicks in the playoffs... this guy walks to the line and bricks the free throws like he's Karl Malone (mail man doesn't deliver on Sundays... thanks Pip)

Pacer fans will always be able to cherish their Quarterfinal Championship Videos!!!

Also, Pacer fans are non-existent anymore... Indianapolis = bandwagon fans... can't wait til Peyton is hasta-la-bye bye

4 - Dusty Dinkleman


Seriously, Just Friends is such an underrated movie

If Ryan Reynolds wasn't such a nervous bitch in that movie, he woulda realized Dusty Dinkleman was no threat at all... please see below

3 - Lord Voldemort

You make the list because Harry Potter is a little bitch... and he still beats you... that is why you suck and you are on this list

Any halfway decent Superhero like Cyclops or Inspector Gadget would smash your face off of your face... and it wouldn't take much bc your face is already like, not there...

2 - Batman Villains (pick any)

Again, I am a big Batman fan... but look at the big picture... many other Superheroes or regular heroes would easily dispose of most Batman villains

Many of the villains hang out in the seedy underbelly amongst the Gotham Mafia... Robocop would destroy most Batman villains no problem... hell, James Bond would take out the Joker in no time... but Batman pussy foots around for days while the Joker, who has no real skills other than he surrounds himself with goons, just dominates Gotham...

Then, the Joker dies... and Batman and Gordon are just a total mess

1 - Biff Tannen

Biff isn't the brightest villain out there... in fact, he's stupid as shit... hilarious, but dumb as rocks

The fact that Marty and a genius, Doc Brown, can't get this asshole out of the picture earlier than they do is downright scary...

You wanna know how dumb Biff is? Check out the video below... just like Katy Perry's jugs, it is a sight to see

NEXT - The Conclusion - Top 5 Villains!


  1. I found myself nodding furiously with the Reggie Miller selection, and then the list was ruined with Biff Tannen at No. 1. HOW DARE YOU SLANDER HIM!! Make like a tree, and get outta here.

  2. Actually, Reggie did beat the Knicks in the playoffs...3 times. And one of them was because Reggie DID make two crucial free-throws. Not to correct you or anything.

    And seriously, Biff from Back to the Future? And I thought you had respect for the classics.

  3. hahahahahaha

    BTTF are classic movies, but Biff just wasn't the most strategic of villains... I mean, George McFly kicked the shit out of him... and he fell into poop 3 times... nuff said lol
