Sunday, October 31, 2010

Celebrating Halloween: My Top Five Favorite Horror Movies!

Well... today is a great day... and a sad day... its Halloween, which is awesome... but today is the last day of AMC's Fear Fest... poop

I love horror movies... they are soo choice... I've compiled a list of my favsies... so lets take a look and see how that happened...


  • Land of the Dead - Dennis Hopper and John Leguisomthing regulating zombies... boom
  • the original Nightmare on Elm Street - Johnny Depp's first movie... ding ding ding
  • Scream 2 - almost as good as the first... just pissed they killed off Jamie Kennedy
  • Jaws - best movie ever made about a shark that tries to kill Dr. Leo Marvin
  • the original Friday the 13th - Mrs. Voorhies was a terrific serial killer

5 -  The Sixth Sense

BRUCE WILLIS IS A GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its been over ten years, so I can blow the ending for you... if you're mad... it's your own damn fault for not having already seen this film

This was nominated for best picture in a strong year for movies... American Beauty won the oscar... but the Sixth Sense should have...

The biggest crime is M. Night Shamalamadingdong hasn't made more great movies like this... I loved Signs... I liked Unbreakable, Village and Lady in the Water... the Happening is dreadful

4 - Dawn of the Dead remake

This is the best zombie movie ever (although Shaun of the Dead is a close second)... soo many good lines in this movie, its a fucking crime... the action is awesome... and why not? Zack Synder directed it... who did Watchmen, which I thought was the best movie of 2009... and he's doing the next Superman movie... which is epic...

3 - Scream

Hello Sidney...

The characters in this movie are fully aware of the rules in your traditional horror movie, and cites many examples during the course of the events in the movie... I love this because they reference many movies that I love like Halloween, Prom Night and so forth...

Bottom line, in this movie, everybody is a suspect and you don't know until the final moments who the real killers are... other movies have tried to copy this... nobody does it as well...

Deputy Dewey should work for the FBI

2 - Silence of the Lambs

This movie has some of the best acting in the history of movies... both Hopkins and Foster went home with Oscars...

Scott Guber from Boston Public plays Hannibal Lector's nemesis... and then Lector eats him at the end of the movie... you don't see it... but it happens... Lector eats Scott Guber... yesssssssssss

1 - Halloween

This is the original, of course. Nothing against Rob Zombie's movies... I like them both... but the original Halloween invented the slasher... sorry Leatherface... I know Texas Chainsaw Massacre was earlier but Michael Myers would kill you dead...

The movie was the springboard for Jamie Lee Curtis' career... and Donald Pleasence is the best doctor... ever... way better than those shitheads at Greys Anatomy

This movie should have been nominated for best picture... after the Deer Hunter and Heaven Can Wait, every other movie nominated that year was stooooopid... Midnight Express? REALLY? Halloween and Superman should have taken a few spots in the BP lineup...

Happy Halloween everyone! If you get a chance to watch some good scary movies tonight... that's a good thing!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Deleted Halloween scenes - devastatingly funny!

Holy shit. The Shape is fuckin' Seinfeld funny...

Short post here... just for your viewing pleasure...

Here are some hilariously epic fake deleted scenes from the greatest horror movie ever made by humans... Halloween...

I pee mah pants when I watch this shit...

Nite pumpkin...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Celebrating Halloween: Top 5 Best WORST Horror Movies!

These are my favorite kind of movies... terrible, so-bad-it's-good horror movies!

Time to make my picks to click... you at home select yours... I luvvvvvv horror movies...


  • Prom Night remake - has Charles Minor from the Office... nuff said
  • Urban Legends: Final Cut - first one was actually good... this one not... but Marla Hendricks is in it again... so bingo
  • Friday the 13th: Jason Takes Manhattan - it would be on the list, but Jason doesn't get to New York until the last 15 minutes of the movie, and spends most of that time in the sewers like the movie C.H.U.D. 
  • Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 - GARBAGE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • White Noise - Michael Keaton... the best Bruce Wayne... and ghosts... SNAP, SNAP

5 -  Troll 2

If you have ever seen this movie... you're probably mad at me for putting it at number 5... but it's my list... and as Walter Matthau says, "you can pull your lip over your head and swallow"...

This movie is of course famous for the greatest acting in the history of movies... 

4 - The Fog remake

Look... I'm not going to hide it... I love me some Tom Welling...

This movie is just Clark Kent regulating some old pirate ghosts... and thats all there is to it... NEXT!

3 - Valentine

This movie is epically terrible. David Boreanz... good gravy... BUT its got Denise Richards in a bathing suit... YOU CAN PUT IT ON THE BOARD AT 3.... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 - Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers

I've talked about this one before... Michael Myers is the greatest horror villain of all time... and one of the best villains in the history of movies altogether... only behind Lex Luthor and the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man...

Also... Paul Rudd kills it as Tommy Doyle... CHECK IT OUT!

1 - Jason X


That's all you need to know... this is my second favorite Friday the 13th... only behind part 6. But this one is all sorts of epic...

This movie has some of the best death scenes in the history of ANYTHING!

Coming soon... BEST horror movies... check it out on Halloween Sunday!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bulls Season Prediction - DID YOU NOT GET THE MEMO?

This guy is going to be better than Dwayne Wade ever was... really fuckin' soon...

Bulls season starts tonight... "Yes sir!" - Johnny Red (missin' Red)

Tough game tonight against Durant and the Thunder, who might be the second best team in the Western Conference. No big deal if they lose tonight... but if they win... that'd be an awesome start to what I think will be a nice step forward for the Bulls.

I think this is team is going to be the 4 seed in the East at the end of the season. I'd like to put them higher, especially after the piece of shit Heat LOST last night... but I still think the top three is going to be the Celtics, Magic and Heat. Pretty much everyone feels that way too. Cool beans.

Also pumped for the return of my favorite basketball color analyst... Stacey "DID YOU NOT GET THE MEMO" King...

That picture is unreal.

Couple thoughts about this team
  • Love the Thibodeau hire... I think he'll institute some consistency with this years team on both ends of the floor... Vinny Del Negro was garbage
  • Deng will finally settle into a nice major supporting role as the number 3 scoring option (he's still getting paid way to much)... he's also hitting every three he takes which is sick
  • Speaking of 3's... I love Kyle Korver
  • Omer Asik has played well in Boozer's absence and will give us some good minutes off the bench
  • Keith Bogans... solid
  • Booooooooozer... COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! When he does... watch out...
And finally...

Derrick Rose is going to have a terrific season... no surprise there... he fuckin' owns

SEASON PREDICTION - (and this is very optimistic - but fuck it - Cubs are the Cubs, Bears somehow have a decent record and are still terrible - and hockey just started)

Bulls - 54-28... I think my math is right... that equals 82 games

We'll be seeing lots of this...


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

welp - LeBron sucks

I asked Biff Tannen if he thought the Heat could win 72 games... he said, "That's about as funny as a screen door on a battleship..."

nice picture, dirt bag


No fucking chance at 72 wins. Only time I'll ever say this... but I love me some Boston Celtics!!!

Couple things about the Heat...

Everyone hates LeBron - and I'll be joining that parade. I loved how MJ and Barkley called him out in the offseason for selling out and sealing his fate as never being able to win the big one as the main leader. Even though Barkley fell short of winning the title, he can at least claim that he lost to Jordan. And that Suns team was the best team the Bulls ever faced in the finals.

D-Wade is not welcome in Chicago in my book. The ultimate trader. He's quickly turning into the NBA's most expensive gimp. And very soon, Derrick Rose will become better than D-Wade ever was.

Chris Bosh... ur a follower and a bitch... Noah eats pieces of shit like you for breakfast... YOU EAT PIECES OF SHIT FOR BREAKFAST?!?!?!

This will be the first season anyone goes to Heat games... so if I see anyone wearing Miami Heat stuff... and as I'm charging at you to beat you for being a piece of shit fad bandwagon jumper... and you don't immediately scream "I love Rony Seikely"... I'm going to smash your face into a car windshield...

finally... even the Simpsons hate LeBron...


Guest Blog - Scare Season: The Best & Worst Horror Movies from Every Holiday by Aric Mitchell

For many, it isn’t a real holiday unless there is some low-budget horror movie attempt with fake blood and bad acting to capitalize on the festivities. Surprisingly, a few of these flicks are pretty good—others, not so much. Join the Cos Blog as we take a look at the best and worst horror movies from every holiday.


Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1981)
The Best: Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1981) — Halloween purists are going to hate us for this, but the original Michael Myers appearance, though solid, is not the best Halloween film ever made. That honor would have to go to the moody, atmospheric chiller Dark Night of the Scarecrow that features Dr. Giggles himself (Larry Drake) as mentally retarded Bubba. Murdered by a group of locals led by Charles Durning for a crime he didn’t commit, Bubba comes back as the holiday approaches dressed as a scarecrow—or does he? From director Frank De Felitta, this made-for-TV terror bests John Carpenter’s Halloween by a hair, and if you don’t believe that, well, give it a watch now that VCI Entertainment has released it in a new special edition just in time for the 31st. We make no apologies.

One More Minute (1979) a.k.a. The Day After Halloween
The Worst: One More Minute (1979) a.k.a. The Day After Halloween — One More Minute (1979) makes the cut as the worst Halloween movie ever made because it is more popularly known as The Day After Halloween. While many of the Halloween films out there—and there are a bunch of them—are pretty solid, this one is a bloodless affair that in a cheap marketing ploy changed its name to The Day After Halloween in order to cash in on John Carpenter’s 1978 classic. We’re guessing November 1st didn’t have the same ring to it. Everything wrong with movie marketing is represented by this Simon Wincer-directed fiasco starring Sigrid Thornton as a woman into modeling who is being stalked by an ice cream truck driver. Destined for those hideous Mill Creek 50-movie collections you can buy on DVD.

Halloween (1978)
Honorable Mention: Halloween (1978) This would easily be the best Halloween movie ever made if not for Dark Night. Scary precisely because we don’t know why Michael is doing what he’s doing, the scary was quickly stripped away from Haddonfield’s infamous killer when they started trying to expand the Myers-Laurie Strode mythos. In the original, he is a faceless, unhinged personality, and about as true a representation of the boogeyman as has ever been put to film. The series would soon attain idiocy of epic proportions as the “story” grew. If not for Halloween: Resurrection and One More Minute, the Zombie remakes would be slotted up there in the Worst position.


Home Sweet Home (1981)
The Best: Home Sweet Home (1981) — Director Nettie Pena has the pacing down, but can’t seem to bring characterization or suspense into the mix. While Home Sweet Home is not a boring film—sporting interesting turns out of “Body by” Jake Steinfeld and a young Vinessa Shaw (3:10 to Yuma remake)—it is not a particularly good one either. The kills are poorly shot and the story never develops enough to warrant a second look. As one of the only Thanksgiving-themed horror films out there, it leaves a lot of room for improvement. But it does a hell of a lot better job making a mess of the holidays than does…

Thankskilling (2009)
The Worst: Thankskilling (2009) — Thankskilling is a cheaply made, unfunny parody of monster movies and holiday horrors. Low-budget production values and horrible acting make this very nearly unwatchable. Of course, it does have one thing going for it: that tagline. “Gobble, gobble, motherf#@!er!” Eli Roth’s Grindhouse trailer Thanksgiving totally gets the spirit of these movies unlike Thankskilling. Here’s hoping Roth will one day give it the feature treatment.


Black Christmas (1974)
The Best: Black Christmas (1974) Like Halloween, Christmas is a holiday that has often been celebrated by the horror community. The best effort is without question 1974’s Black Christmas from Porky’s and A Christmas Story director Bob Clark. Suspense powers most of the film unlike its blood-drenched 2006 remake. Clark’s film gives us some of the most genuinely frightening phone calls in the history of film, while also delivering stylish and suspenseful murder scenes on a hip young cast that includes Margot Kidder, Olivia Hussey, Keir Dullea, and Andrea Martin. The killer is kept in the shadows at all times, and the “calls are coming from inside the house” device starts here.

Santa’s Slay (2005)
The Worst: Santa’s Slay (2005) — Santa’s Slay (2005) starring professional wrestling washout Bill Goldberg as a maniac dressed like Saint Nick. It was done far better in the horrible Silent Night, Deadly Night series if that gives you any idea of how much the filmmakers deserve a lump of coal in their stockings.

Inside (2007)
Honorable Mention: Inside (2007) — Inside is the best Christmas horror since the original Black Christmas. This French shocker finds a pregnant widow isolated in her home on Christmas Eve as she is stalked by a scissors-wielding madwoman dressed in black. Not for the squeamish, this is a moody, suspenseful, and violent little gem.

New Year’s Day

New Year’s Evil (1980)
The Best: New Year’s Evil (1980) — In New Year’s Evil, you’ve got Roz Kelly (best known as Pinky Tuscadero on Happy Days) doing battle with a maniac, who promises to kill a woman as the clock strikes midnight in each time zone. His final target is Kelly, who plays Blaze, a punk rock queen hosting a sort of Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Year in Hell celebration. Where New Year’s Evil screws up is showing the killer’s face too early—Kip Niven just isn’t that creepy—and using the clown mask, which is horror movie gold by the way, to little effect. Even though it’s the best of this holiday, New Year’s is one time of year that could use more attention from the horror community.

Bloody New Year (1987)
The Worst: Bloody New Year (1987) — Bloody New Year is another misfire from Norman J. Warren, director of Horror Planet and Alien Prey. This particular film follows five British teenagers seeking asylum in an abandoned island hotel, which has been decorated for the New Year. Catch is it’s the middle of summer, and we all know decorations should be down by then. In the 90 minutes that follow, the teens discover they should have made a resolution to stay away from spooky hotels that want them dead. Unfortunately, we as an audience are the ones terrorized by bad FX and acting in what is essentially a pretty droll haunted house film.

Valentine’s Day

My Bloody Valentine (1981)
The Best: My Bloody Valentine (1981) — Valentine’s Day, or V.D. as we like to call it, is a holiday more obsessed with real flesh-and-blood killers than anything supernatural. In 1980, George Mihalka gave audiences the reigning champ of V.D. horror flicks with My Bloody Valentine, a film that takes the tried-and-true slasher formula and puts an original spin on it with a group of twenty-something miners as the main targets instead of the standard bunch of obnoxious teens. The victims in My Bloody Valentine are a likeable lot, and the triangle between T.J. (Paul Kelman), Axel (Neil Affleck), and Sarah (Lori Hallier), is compelling and human for a cheap low-budget horror flick. In 2009, director Patrick Lussier revisited the legend of killer Harry Warden with a slick and bloody homage that wasn’t quite as good as the original, but still plenty fun.

Valentine (2001)
The Worst: Valentine (2001) — Valentine is a slick-looking $29 million horror movie with a Cupid mask-wearing killer and loads of potential from its talented cast, which includes Katherine Heigl, David Boreanaz, and Denise Richards (okay, two out of three ain’t bad). Unfortunately, the murder set-pieces lack invention and the ending is damn near incoherent. And it’s worth noting, just to save any of you Heigl fans from the travesty of watching this crap, that the Life As We Know It star is the movie’s first victim, so don’t get too used to her.

St. Patrick’s Day

Leprechaun (1993)
The Best: Leprechaun (1993) — Little person Warwick Davis has spent a significant portion of his life dressed as a leprechaun. In 1998, he starred in A Very Unlucky Leprechaun, but the role that’s been paying his bills for nearly two decades is as the murderous green-clad demon in the Leprechaun series, totaling six in all. By far the best of these is the original, and, folks, that’s not saying much. Sure, it does star Jennifer Aniston, but before you get too awfully excited about that, keep in mind she’s in her feature film debut here. There wasn’t much she could do to save it. The writing and directing from Mark Jones is all over the place. Leprechaun isn’t sure what it wants to be—suspense-driven or comedic parody of the horror genre. It’s lousy at both, and with only four deaths, there isn’t a lot here for gore hounds either. Somehow, though, it made money. Shame on you people!

Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood (2003)
The Worst: Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood (2003) — Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood takes the bad joke of the leprechaun terrorizing “tha Hood” to a new low. One of the few times a direct sequel has been made using a sequel instead of the original as its source material. Bad puns, amateur gore effects, atrocious acting, poor writing, lousy direction, and a complete missing of the point of what it means to be a horror movie pollute an otherwise fine film.

April Fools Day

April Fool’s Day (1986)
The Best: April Fool’s Day (1986) — The first of April is the little horror holiday that could. In spite of us not getting a day off work, it has still spawned three scary movies in its honor. The first April Fool’s Day, directed by Fred Walton of When a Stranger Calls (1979), When a Stranger Calls Back, and The Rosary Murders, was another one of those great spins on the slasher formula with an ending that was completely unexpected. Audiences didn’t seem to mind it either. Shot for $5 million, the film grossed $12.9 million and led to similarly themed films in 2007 and 2008. Both were terrible, which brings us to…

April Fool’s Day (2008)
The Worst: April Fool’s Day (2008) — It’s hard to tell what April Fool’s Day (2008) is: a remake of the original, an independent horror movie built around the holiday, or just a gobbledygook mash-up of every bad horror movie cliché with no soul, no creativity, and no limits to its own stupidity. Ah, the last one, that’s it. It doesn’t help that the talent-less Scout Taylor-Compton is featured in the role of Torrance Caldwell. Many of you remember her as the Jamie Lee Curtis’s replacement in the Rob Zombie Halloween series. In part two, you hear her scream, cry, snot, and act like a buffoon for the whole thing. She’s not quite as detestable here, but adding her to any cast is a kiss of death.

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day (1980)
The Best: Mother’s Day (1980) — Leave it to Charles Kaufman to defile the day in which we celebrate our mothers. The Troma Studios player, who is an executive producer on the 2011 Darren Lynn Bousman-directed (Saw 2-4) remake, first shocked audiences by taking Car 54 and The Phil Silvers Show regular Rose Ross and turning her into a bloodthirsty mongrel to two mutant sons, who like to torture, rape, humiliate, and murder young women. As Troma-associated movies go, this one leaves a rather disturbing impression.
The Worst: Mother’s Day (1980) — Mother’s Day is a depraved film that drew the ire of critics at the time. Many might even say it belongs here instead of up there. But given Bousman was the guy responsible for Saw 3 and Saw 4, we’re pretty certain that when his remake hits next year, this space will need to be reserved.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day (1999)
The Best: Still waiting…
The Worst: Memorial Day (1999) — The spate of horror creations that came in the wake of Scream did the genre little favors. Memorial Day is one such misstep. Poorly written, plotted, directed, and acted, it’s a textbook example of how not to make a horror film. Rachel’s brother was mysteriously killed a few years before. Now in typical slasher movie fashion, the heroine must return to the scene with a group of her friends to face what happened. What comes next is derivative of derivative of derivative (i.e. it sucks).

Fourth of July

Uncle Sam (1997)
The Best and The Worst: Uncle Sam (1997) The genius of William Lustig and partner Larry Cohen gave us Maniac Cop, but it also shat out this forgettable zombie-slasher hybrid about a Desert Storm veteran, who returns home to terrorize his hometown on the nation’s birthday. A good setup, creepy Uncle Sam costume, and several bloody kills may make it worth one watch, but the good qualities are ultimately hindered by slow pacing, poor acting, and an unsatisfying conclusion.

More for the Holidays

If the above haven’t sated your thirst for some good holiday horror, check out this selection of some of our other favorites.
Trick or Treats (1982)
Trick or Treat (1986)
Night of the Demons (1988)
Satan’s Little Helper (2004)
Boo (2005)
Trick ‘r Treat (2009)
Silent Night, Bloody Night (1974)
Christmas Evil (1980)
To All a Good Night (1980)
Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)
P2 (2007)

In honor of the bad weather...


Is Twister the best weather related movie of all time?

Gee... is the atomic weight of Cobalt 58.9?

Yes and Yes.

Couple things...

Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Dusty = OSCAR MATERIAL! "Food... FOOD!!!"

Jonas is a nightcrawler.

I really like Bill Paxton's weather reports.

An F5 is the finger of god...

And flying cows are wayyyyyy deadlier than regular cows.

Take cover boners...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Best Jay Cutler Picture of all time!

This says it all...

Great find by the "Afternoon Saloon" facebook page... just forwarding it along like it's hot, Michael Scott style...


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bears Recap: fuck Jay Cutler

I hate Jay Cutler right now

Those Jay Baby drinking pics are epic...

Seriously though... 5 turnovers... four picks... one of them might not have been his fault... but that pick 6 was the worst...

Paying the money the Bears do for Cutler is like paying someone to repeatedly kick you right in the junk. I feel bad for Mike Martz today. He calls a good game... and Jay shits all over it.

Let me put this delicately... fuck Jay Cutler.

Heres the rest of the recap:

  • DJ Moore is a total stud and should have had 2 pick sixs
  • McNabb blows... period
  • Screw Lovie for not challenging on the Jay fumble at the goal line... he scored and Lovie was busy taking a dump or something
  • Cutler makes me miss Sexy Rexy
  • Cutler put DeAngelo Hall in the Hall of Fame today
  • Can't believe this team is in first place... worst first place team ever
And I can't stress this enough: EFF JAY CUTLER!!!


I haven't picked a game correctly all season... and I don't know what to think about this game...

It would be nice if this asshole below didn't play like a total boob today...

The O-line totally blows... even so... Jay's not helping them out too much when they do give him protection... and Martz is calling plays horribly soo far...


The 'Skins defense is poop... BEARSE can score some points if they call a few run plays this week and then catch them sleeping on the play action...

but that probably won't happen because the Bears suck...

Dancin' McNabbs - 24

The Beloved - 21

The only chance for the BEARSE to win is if they get an amazing speech from Coach Yost to pump them up...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

GREATEST video game music of all time - part 3!

I'm not well versed on some of the newer gaming systems. I have a PS2... but I only really play Madden, Hot Shots golf and Ghostbusters.

NES music was where its at. Here is another gem of a game...

This game was pretty hard too if I remember. Darkwing Duck - total blast from the past!

Anywho... thats pretty much all I got... off to a wedding now... gonna take a few shots... GET BLASTED... gonna get real dicey real quick...

Darkwing Duck below...

Paranormal Activity 2 - 3 stars


If you didn't see the first Paranormal Activity last year... you don't need to see it before this one. It's not like f'n Back to the Future so don't worry.

PA2 is a prequel to the first installment last year. Which is great news bc mah lady is back in full throttle...

Katie Featherston - MARRY ME!

Moving right along... the first one was pretty creepy and a good time... but very slow in some parts. Building the tension, I guess, but it was still slower than Forrest.

The new one has a better story... more interesting characters... and Katie Featherston's magumbos... and at the end of the day, that is good enough for me.

By the end of the movie, the plot ties in the first one in a pretty awesome way. When the movie seemed to end, I was like, "Not bad, PA2... not bad." BUT it wasn't over... and then when it finally ends 5 minutes later... you give a big, "FUCK YA!"

This one isn't as scary as the first, nor should it be. We are desensitized to the type of horror delivery from the first one... we know what we are gonna get. But - that doesn't mean that the movie doesn't have a smattering of legit jump-in-your-seat scares.

These movies really don't have any repeat value - you only need to see it once. With that said... see it in the theatres. Scary movies at the theatre are a fuckin' blast.

FINALLY - here is a deleted scene from the first movie. I can't believe why they didn't leave it in!!! I guess it was too funny and ruined the mood...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Celebrating Halloween: Tribute to my favorite horror character - Randy Meeks

"There are certain RULES that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie." - Randy Meeks

F'n A dude... horror movies are liking fucking mindsweeper... step carefully... and if you don't... you won't be in the sequel... and lets face it baby, THESE DAYS... you gotta have a sequel!

Randy Meeks from the Scream movies might be the smartest man to ever exist in a horror film. WHY? Because he is a huge horror buff himself and is aware of all of the horror movie rules. SEE RULES BELOW IN VIDEO.

The fact that he dies in Scream 2 is total bullshit. Pulled into the news truck to be stabbed to shit? DUMB! It's not that he deserved a better exit... its that he shouldn't have been killed. Fuck... Dewey seemingly gets killed each movie and he keeps coming back. I guess you have to kill some of the likeable people, or else, what's the point? Still - Randy rocks and the fact that he died fuckin sucks... it suckin fucks... and I don't like it.

What he did leave us with is the carefully crafted list of rules to live by to survive a horror movie.

COMING SOON: Paranormal Activity 2 posting!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Celebrating Halloween: Top 5 most UNDERRATED horror movies!

Even though I'm a Cubs fan... I luv me some Hawk Harrelson. If I could have one wish right now here in the thick of Halloween season, it would be for Hawk to come up to me and say, "I LUVVVVVVV horror movies."

My faves top 5 horror movies are...

5 - Stir of Echoes

Not sure if this is technically a horror movie... but it kicks ace.

This is an underrated CHICAGO movie... and Kevin Bacon rocking the Chicago accent is hilarious.

This also has some pretty good scare scenes. AND Kevin Dunn kills it in a supporting role. He's been on fire since Ghostbusters 2.

4 - Friday the 13th: Part 6

Jason is back... AGAIN!

This is actually my favorite F13th... along with part 4 with Corey Feldman and George McFly, and Jason X where he is in SPACE!

A bolt of lightning brings Jason back from the dead... and then he goes on his best killing spree, I find. What brought him back from the dead, you say? "A BOLT OF LIGHTNING" -Doc Brown

3 - Jeepers Creeper

Justin Long and the chick from season one of Boston Public are really the only actors in the entire movie... the first 20 minutes of the movie are absolutely fantastic. And the creeper is disgusting looking... which obviously... is awesome.

2 - Urban Legend

Let me explain this one carefully...

This movie has got Freddy Krueger teaching a college class

Two words - Danielle Harris, nuff said.

Lex Luthor from Smallville, again... nuff said.

Marla Hendricks from Boston Public... checkmate.

1 - Halloween: H20 (7th Halloween movie)

Jamie Lee Curtis is back for the first time since the 2nd one. This is Josh Hartnett's first movie... and he's pretty good as Jamie's son.

She moves FAR away from Haddonfield, Illinois (wish that was a real place... they should change Hinsdale to Haddonfield)... she is now the headmaster at some fucking school in Cali... Michael FINDS her... and it gets real dicey real quick.

And we have quite possibly the best ending in any horror movie... ever made.

No joke.

Celebrating Halloween: ALIENS!

Look, I know this is more science fiction than horror... so if you have a problem with that... ughhhh deal with with shithead.

Aliens usually aren't that scary... the classic alien movies from the past like "The Day the Earth Stood Still" just isn't frightening these days... and they are effin boring as shit...

But check out this asshole below

That's from Signs... remember that fucking movie. Jesus christ - scared the poop out of me when I saw it in theatres.

SIDENOTE - it would be nice if M. Night made a movie again that doesn't suck

Anyhootieandtheblowfish... I tried my balls off looking for a clip any creepier than this... and couldn't find one.

Signs owns... Mel Gibson used to be cool... this alien is very scary... and don't fuck with Joaquin Phoenix

Later boners

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Celebrating Halloween: Best decapitation in movie history

I'm sure there are many that I haven't seen... but the one in the Original "Omen"... is... for lack of a better word... tits...

Couple things before the beheading...
  • After viewing this film... naming your kid Damien... is just... well... your an idiot
  • The remake with Cotton Weary is actually pretty good
  • The music is creepy as fuck
Now for the feature presentation...

this dudes head below... three words... GASSSSSS, HE GONE!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

people I would rather have manage the Cubs than Mike Quade...

First off - I hate the Cubs right now.

They just gave the middle finger to Ryno by hiring Quade.

I would have been just fine with either Ryno, Girardi or Brenly.

I have developed a list of people I would rather have manage the Cubs than Mike F'n Quade...

I would rather have Ryne Sandberg as manager

He wanted the job before they hired Sweet Lou... Hendry dared him to go get experience in the minors... he did AND won Manager of the Year... fuckin Hendry

I would rather have Joe Girardi as manager

Won a World Series already... Chicago guy... former Cub and went to Northwestern... slam dunk but prolly not leaving NY

I would rather have Bob Brenly as manager

BB has a ring... tells it like it is... would hold players accountable, which is the main reason he wasn't even considered... soo Cubs

I would rather have Ozzie Guillen as manager

He can't speak english... he's not a very good manager as it is... but he's 50 times better than Mike Quade... and I think he is the only man that can make Big Z a 20 game winner

I would rather have Billy Heywood as manager

He did great things with his one year on the job in Minnesota... brings a lot of baseball smarts to the table... is capable of cutting struggling ballplayers (he cut Jerry)... he brings out the best in young talent (Mickey Scales)... and would have been a solid choice

I would rather have Egon Spengler as manager

I figure it couldn't hurt to have the smartest man alive calling the shots...

I would rather have Fiorella LaGruardia as manager

And he's been dead for 40 years... (2 points for whoever gets the reference)

I would rather have Ned Flanders as manager

He's the nicest guy in the world... the Cubs would have the best manners in all of baseball...

I would rather have Stan Marsh as manager

He did some nice work with the team in Stanley's Cup... even though they eventually lost by 30 to the Red Wings and in turn, killed the kid with cancer... still he's better than Quade


I would be a much better manager

I would probably make bad pitching moves... I would change the lineup daily... I would run my best pitchers into the ground... I am not baseball savvy enough to be a big league manager... I would be the PERFECT Cubs manager.

Fuck Mike Quade.