Tuesday, October 26, 2010

welp - LeBron sucks

I asked Biff Tannen if he thought the Heat could win 72 games... he said, "That's about as funny as a screen door on a battleship..."

nice picture, dirt bag


No fucking chance at 72 wins. Only time I'll ever say this... but I love me some Boston Celtics!!!

Couple things about the Heat...

Everyone hates LeBron - and I'll be joining that parade. I loved how MJ and Barkley called him out in the offseason for selling out and sealing his fate as never being able to win the big one as the main leader. Even though Barkley fell short of winning the title, he can at least claim that he lost to Jordan. And that Suns team was the best team the Bulls ever faced in the finals.

D-Wade is not welcome in Chicago in my book. The ultimate trader. He's quickly turning into the NBA's most expensive gimp. And very soon, Derrick Rose will become better than D-Wade ever was.

Chris Bosh... ur a follower and a bitch... Noah eats pieces of shit like you for breakfast... YOU EAT PIECES OF SHIT FOR BREAKFAST?!?!?!

This will be the first season anyone goes to Heat games... so if I see anyone wearing Miami Heat stuff... and as I'm charging at you to beat you for being a piece of shit fad bandwagon jumper... and you don't immediately scream "I love Rony Seikely"... I'm going to smash your face into a car windshield...

finally... even the Simpsons hate LeBron...


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