Friday, October 22, 2010

Celebrating Halloween: Tribute to my favorite horror character - Randy Meeks

"There are certain RULES that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie." - Randy Meeks

F'n A dude... horror movies are liking fucking mindsweeper... step carefully... and if you don't... you won't be in the sequel... and lets face it baby, THESE DAYS... you gotta have a sequel!

Randy Meeks from the Scream movies might be the smartest man to ever exist in a horror film. WHY? Because he is a huge horror buff himself and is aware of all of the horror movie rules. SEE RULES BELOW IN VIDEO.

The fact that he dies in Scream 2 is total bullshit. Pulled into the news truck to be stabbed to shit? DUMB! It's not that he deserved a better exit... its that he shouldn't have been killed. Fuck... Dewey seemingly gets killed each movie and he keeps coming back. I guess you have to kill some of the likeable people, or else, what's the point? Still - Randy rocks and the fact that he died fuckin sucks... it suckin fucks... and I don't like it.

What he did leave us with is the carefully crafted list of rules to live by to survive a horror movie.

COMING SOON: Paranormal Activity 2 posting!

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