Thursday, October 21, 2010

Celebrating Halloween: Top 5 most UNDERRATED horror movies!

Even though I'm a Cubs fan... I luv me some Hawk Harrelson. If I could have one wish right now here in the thick of Halloween season, it would be for Hawk to come up to me and say, "I LUVVVVVVV horror movies."

My faves top 5 horror movies are...

5 - Stir of Echoes

Not sure if this is technically a horror movie... but it kicks ace.

This is an underrated CHICAGO movie... and Kevin Bacon rocking the Chicago accent is hilarious.

This also has some pretty good scare scenes. AND Kevin Dunn kills it in a supporting role. He's been on fire since Ghostbusters 2.

4 - Friday the 13th: Part 6

Jason is back... AGAIN!

This is actually my favorite F13th... along with part 4 with Corey Feldman and George McFly, and Jason X where he is in SPACE!

A bolt of lightning brings Jason back from the dead... and then he goes on his best killing spree, I find. What brought him back from the dead, you say? "A BOLT OF LIGHTNING" -Doc Brown

3 - Jeepers Creeper

Justin Long and the chick from season one of Boston Public are really the only actors in the entire movie... the first 20 minutes of the movie are absolutely fantastic. And the creeper is disgusting looking... which obviously... is awesome.

2 - Urban Legend

Let me explain this one carefully...

This movie has got Freddy Krueger teaching a college class

Two words - Danielle Harris, nuff said.

Lex Luthor from Smallville, again... nuff said.

Marla Hendricks from Boston Public... checkmate.

1 - Halloween: H20 (7th Halloween movie)

Jamie Lee Curtis is back for the first time since the 2nd one. This is Josh Hartnett's first movie... and he's pretty good as Jamie's son.

She moves FAR away from Haddonfield, Illinois (wish that was a real place... they should change Hinsdale to Haddonfield)... she is now the headmaster at some fucking school in Cali... Michael FINDS her... and it gets real dicey real quick.

And we have quite possibly the best ending in any horror movie... ever made.

No joke.

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