Thursday, October 21, 2010

Celebrating Halloween: ALIENS!

Look, I know this is more science fiction than horror... so if you have a problem with that... ughhhh deal with with shithead.

Aliens usually aren't that scary... the classic alien movies from the past like "The Day the Earth Stood Still" just isn't frightening these days... and they are effin boring as shit...

But check out this asshole below

That's from Signs... remember that fucking movie. Jesus christ - scared the poop out of me when I saw it in theatres.

SIDENOTE - it would be nice if M. Night made a movie again that doesn't suck

Anyhootieandtheblowfish... I tried my balls off looking for a clip any creepier than this... and couldn't find one.

Signs owns... Mel Gibson used to be cool... this alien is very scary... and don't fuck with Joaquin Phoenix

Later boners

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