Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bulls Season Prediction - DID YOU NOT GET THE MEMO?

This guy is going to be better than Dwayne Wade ever was... really fuckin' soon...

Bulls season starts tonight... "Yes sir!" - Johnny Red (missin' Red)

Tough game tonight against Durant and the Thunder, who might be the second best team in the Western Conference. No big deal if they lose tonight... but if they win... that'd be an awesome start to what I think will be a nice step forward for the Bulls.

I think this is team is going to be the 4 seed in the East at the end of the season. I'd like to put them higher, especially after the piece of shit Heat LOST last night... but I still think the top three is going to be the Celtics, Magic and Heat. Pretty much everyone feels that way too. Cool beans.

Also pumped for the return of my favorite basketball color analyst... Stacey "DID YOU NOT GET THE MEMO" King...

That picture is unreal.

Couple thoughts about this team
  • Love the Thibodeau hire... I think he'll institute some consistency with this years team on both ends of the floor... Vinny Del Negro was garbage
  • Deng will finally settle into a nice major supporting role as the number 3 scoring option (he's still getting paid way to much)... he's also hitting every three he takes which is sick
  • Speaking of 3's... I love Kyle Korver
  • Omer Asik has played well in Boozer's absence and will give us some good minutes off the bench
  • Keith Bogans... solid
  • Booooooooozer... COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! When he does... watch out...
And finally...

Derrick Rose is going to have a terrific season... no surprise there... he fuckin' owns

SEASON PREDICTION - (and this is very optimistic - but fuck it - Cubs are the Cubs, Bears somehow have a decent record and are still terrible - and hockey just started)

Bulls - 54-28... I think my math is right... that equals 82 games

We'll be seeing lots of this...


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