Saturday, October 23, 2010

Paranormal Activity 2 - 3 stars


If you didn't see the first Paranormal Activity last year... you don't need to see it before this one. It's not like f'n Back to the Future so don't worry.

PA2 is a prequel to the first installment last year. Which is great news bc mah lady is back in full throttle...

Katie Featherston - MARRY ME!

Moving right along... the first one was pretty creepy and a good time... but very slow in some parts. Building the tension, I guess, but it was still slower than Forrest.

The new one has a better story... more interesting characters... and Katie Featherston's magumbos... and at the end of the day, that is good enough for me.

By the end of the movie, the plot ties in the first one in a pretty awesome way. When the movie seemed to end, I was like, "Not bad, PA2... not bad." BUT it wasn't over... and then when it finally ends 5 minutes later... you give a big, "FUCK YA!"

This one isn't as scary as the first, nor should it be. We are desensitized to the type of horror delivery from the first one... we know what we are gonna get. But - that doesn't mean that the movie doesn't have a smattering of legit jump-in-your-seat scares.

These movies really don't have any repeat value - you only need to see it once. With that said... see it in the theatres. Scary movies at the theatre are a fuckin' blast.

FINALLY - here is a deleted scene from the first movie. I can't believe why they didn't leave it in!!! I guess it was too funny and ruined the mood...

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