Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bears Recap - Good win and Todd Collins is a stupid dick...

I am a better passer than Todd Collins... FACT!

Thank god Jay baby is back next week. If he were playing today... Bears woulda won by 40. The sad part is - that really isn't an indication of how good the Bears are... but just how shitty the Panthers are.

Todd Collins is a piece of shit. Retire already - u stupid dick.

He's nowhere near as good as the athlete his brother, super stud LOU COLLINS, is...

Couple notes...

- Forte was the tits today
- the defense was sick
- Hester is still straight up ACE on punt returns


back to sweet baby Lou Collins... just filmed this video of him and his turrrible bro of a quarterback when Todd came back from the game today...


  1. Fact is that you indeed are a better passer than Todd Collins. I caught at least 3 TD passes from your arm, 0 from Collins. nuff said

  2. haha yes u did bro... u were the leading receiver on the team! lol
