Sunday, October 31, 2010

Celebrating Halloween: My Top Five Favorite Horror Movies!

Well... today is a great day... and a sad day... its Halloween, which is awesome... but today is the last day of AMC's Fear Fest... poop

I love horror movies... they are soo choice... I've compiled a list of my favsies... so lets take a look and see how that happened...


  • Land of the Dead - Dennis Hopper and John Leguisomthing regulating zombies... boom
  • the original Nightmare on Elm Street - Johnny Depp's first movie... ding ding ding
  • Scream 2 - almost as good as the first... just pissed they killed off Jamie Kennedy
  • Jaws - best movie ever made about a shark that tries to kill Dr. Leo Marvin
  • the original Friday the 13th - Mrs. Voorhies was a terrific serial killer

5 -  The Sixth Sense

BRUCE WILLIS IS A GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its been over ten years, so I can blow the ending for you... if you're mad... it's your own damn fault for not having already seen this film

This was nominated for best picture in a strong year for movies... American Beauty won the oscar... but the Sixth Sense should have...

The biggest crime is M. Night Shamalamadingdong hasn't made more great movies like this... I loved Signs... I liked Unbreakable, Village and Lady in the Water... the Happening is dreadful

4 - Dawn of the Dead remake

This is the best zombie movie ever (although Shaun of the Dead is a close second)... soo many good lines in this movie, its a fucking crime... the action is awesome... and why not? Zack Synder directed it... who did Watchmen, which I thought was the best movie of 2009... and he's doing the next Superman movie... which is epic...

3 - Scream

Hello Sidney...

The characters in this movie are fully aware of the rules in your traditional horror movie, and cites many examples during the course of the events in the movie... I love this because they reference many movies that I love like Halloween, Prom Night and so forth...

Bottom line, in this movie, everybody is a suspect and you don't know until the final moments who the real killers are... other movies have tried to copy this... nobody does it as well...

Deputy Dewey should work for the FBI

2 - Silence of the Lambs

This movie has some of the best acting in the history of movies... both Hopkins and Foster went home with Oscars...

Scott Guber from Boston Public plays Hannibal Lector's nemesis... and then Lector eats him at the end of the movie... you don't see it... but it happens... Lector eats Scott Guber... yesssssssssss

1 - Halloween

This is the original, of course. Nothing against Rob Zombie's movies... I like them both... but the original Halloween invented the slasher... sorry Leatherface... I know Texas Chainsaw Massacre was earlier but Michael Myers would kill you dead...

The movie was the springboard for Jamie Lee Curtis' career... and Donald Pleasence is the best doctor... ever... way better than those shitheads at Greys Anatomy

This movie should have been nominated for best picture... after the Deer Hunter and Heaven Can Wait, every other movie nominated that year was stooooopid... Midnight Express? REALLY? Halloween and Superman should have taken a few spots in the BP lineup...

Happy Halloween everyone! If you get a chance to watch some good scary movies tonight... that's a good thing!

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