Friday, October 1, 2010

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps - 4 stars

"Greed, for lack of a better word, is good" - Gordon Gekko

This movie, for lack of a better word, rocks. It’s pretty ace.

Not often do you get to see a major movie badass come out of retirement and kick ass again – Gekko does. He won the Oscar for the first Wall Street back in the 80’s, and should get at least nominated for this one.

23 years later, Gekko is back after spending 8 years in prison. He was sent there because Josh Brolin’s character, who is a big jackass in the movie, ratted him out or what not. Side note – Brolin rocks this movies socks off. He plays an awesome bad guy.

Shia La-something is not bad in it either. Way better than his annoying character in the last Indiana Jones movies. Quick – none of the Indiana Jones movies take place in Indiana? Not one of those movies spent any time in Muncie. So why the name? Dumb. You know, they probably explain it in the movie, but I don’t remember.

Frank Langella has a small role at the beginning playing Shia La-something’s mentor. The guy shoulda won the Oscar for Frost/Nixon, and he’ll totes get a nomination for this one as well.

The movie is a little long for some people – not me. You can’t get enough of Gekko. It’s kinda like when you watched the Dark Knight, and you just couldn’t wait to see more of Heath Ledger’s Joker.

If you haven’t seen the first one… go rent it… ugh. Then go see this movie. It’s all sorts of epic.

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