Tuesday, October 19, 2010

people I would rather have manage the Cubs than Mike Quade...

First off - I hate the Cubs right now.

They just gave the middle finger to Ryno by hiring Quade.

I would have been just fine with either Ryno, Girardi or Brenly.

I have developed a list of people I would rather have manage the Cubs than Mike F'n Quade...

I would rather have Ryne Sandberg as manager

He wanted the job before they hired Sweet Lou... Hendry dared him to go get experience in the minors... he did AND won Manager of the Year... fuckin Hendry

I would rather have Joe Girardi as manager

Won a World Series already... Chicago guy... former Cub and went to Northwestern... slam dunk but prolly not leaving NY

I would rather have Bob Brenly as manager

BB has a ring... tells it like it is... would hold players accountable, which is the main reason he wasn't even considered... soo Cubs

I would rather have Ozzie Guillen as manager

He can't speak english... he's not a very good manager as it is... but he's 50 times better than Mike Quade... and I think he is the only man that can make Big Z a 20 game winner

I would rather have Billy Heywood as manager

He did great things with his one year on the job in Minnesota... brings a lot of baseball smarts to the table... is capable of cutting struggling ballplayers (he cut Jerry)... he brings out the best in young talent (Mickey Scales)... and would have been a solid choice

I would rather have Egon Spengler as manager

I figure it couldn't hurt to have the smartest man alive calling the shots...

I would rather have Fiorella LaGruardia as manager

And he's been dead for 40 years... (2 points for whoever gets the reference)

I would rather have Ned Flanders as manager

He's the nicest guy in the world... the Cubs would have the best manners in all of baseball...

I would rather have Stan Marsh as manager

He did some nice work with the team in Stanley's Cup... even though they eventually lost by 30 to the Red Wings and in turn, killed the kid with cancer... still he's better than Quade


I would be a much better manager

I would probably make bad pitching moves... I would change the lineup daily... I would run my best pitchers into the ground... I am not baseball savvy enough to be a big league manager... I would be the PERFECT Cubs manager.

Fuck Mike Quade.