Monday, December 20, 2010

Bears Prediction - In Lovie, We Trust?

This man scares me sometimes...

Earlier this year, da Bearse take on MVP runner up Mike Vick and the Eagles, and The Beloved were supposed to get completely exposed. What happened? Lovie coached one of his best games ever and da Bearse dominated...

Then last week... Lovie drew up a pathetic game plan in a home game where they could have made a massive statement by beating the Patriots at home... and well, the game... it went poorly

HOWEVER - Bearse have dominated the the NFC North this year... unlike the Packers lol... haha did you see Matt Flynn shit himself on the last play of Packers/Patriots last night? Classic

What is worse for a fan? To get your heart ripped out on the last play of a close game? Or for your team to get completely blasted from the get go, and you are OVER IT by the second quarter? Gimme number 2... being a Cubs fan, I can't deal with any more collapses. If my team is going to lose... serve me up a blowout special!

If da Bearse win tonight, they win the NFC North... schwing!

They gotta close it out tonight or else it's going to get real dicey real quick... if they lose to the Vikings, what follows will be a series of unfortunate events... Bearse have the Jets next week and we have no idea which Jets team we will see... the Packers have the Giants, and if da Bearse lose to the Vikings tonight, I guarantee the Packers will beat the Giants because that is just the way fate will have it and that will set up a season finale in Green Bay for the division...

As far as tonight goes... some bonejob is starting at QB for the Vikings, AP has a bum knee and the Vikings O-Line is shit... the defense is pissed off about last week and need to rebound... they will


The Beloved - 24
Metrodome RIP - 13

After last night's epic finish in the Packers/Patriots gem... I was reminded how their season ended last year... pick 6 to the Cards... doesn't get any better than this... too bad they probably won't even be able to make it to the playoffs so we could all be witnesses to their next "last second" collapse which are becoming a regular thing now... so we got that going for us, which is nice...

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