Thursday, December 30, 2010

the dream replacement for Ron Santo in the Cubs radio booth

This would never happen in a million years... but...

Bill Murray already has experience in the Cubs booth back in the 80's when Harry was out for a few games... Pete Venkman joined Stoney for what was an epic broadcast of Biblical proportions!

As far as my realistic choice for Cubs Legend Ron Santo in the radio booth next to Pat Hughes, I'd  Rick Sutcliffe is my guy...

But, in Kyle Trompeter's World, the choice is Venkman... check out this video of him announcing with Stone Pony... best part is at 8:07 when Jody Davis cranks one into the left field bleachers...

PS - Love me some Jody Davis... especially Harry's Jody Davis song he'd bust out when good ole number 7 would come to the plate... Jody, Jody Davis! Catcher without a fear!


  1. Bill Murray would make me want to watch Cubs games. Get this guy or Harry Doyle.
