Monday, December 27, 2010

Kyle's "Work Music" - Volume 7

I no joke listen to this sh*t like every day... James Newton Howard is, like Dennis Reynolds, a legend...

This is the guy who has done a Kirstie Alley ton of films... but his best are no question "Signs", "The Village" and "Lady in the Water"... with "LITW" being the best music no doubt... soo peaceful

I totes ragged on M. Night Shamalamadingdong earlier today... the dude used to make awesome movies... with his best, in my opinion, being "Signs"... that movie was every which way one of the best of the entire year... but something has happened... yep, it was "The Happening"... that movie sucked... I mean, I've seen movies suck before, but that movie was one of the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked!

So the video below has excerpts from a buncha JNH movies... I've taken the liberty of telling you when each movie plays its music in the video... just thumb through it, okay huh
  • Sixth Sense - :00 - pretty good
  • Unbreakable - 1:50 - just ok
  • Signs - 3:37 - this music ROCKS
  • The Village - 5:45 - totally underrated score
  • Lady in the Water - 7:00 - simply the best
  • The Happening - 8:53 - this music is meh

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