Monday, December 27, 2010

The dumbest movies of 2010... if you like these movies, you're dumb

Let's start with the obvious Bee Ess movies of the past few years... omigod these are bad

I saw the first two movies... the second one I got free tickets for so I basically went to get massive amounts of buttered popcorn, which to say, was delightful...

The "Twilight" movies are dumb dumb dumb dumb... I am not a big fan of vampires... in fact, I only like ONE vampire movie... "Once Bitten" with Jim Carrey, a YOUNG Jim Carrey... it's boss... great dance scene too

Moving along... Imma gonna rapid fire through some of the dumbest 2010 flicks... some I've seen, some I didn't need to see... know what ah mean?
  • "The Last Airbender" - M. Night... ughhh... you used to be cool
  • "The Other Guys" - makes "Semi Pro" look like "Anchorman"
  • "Robin Hood" - BORING... I've seen plays that were better than this... honest to God, plays!
  • "Prince of Persia" - Jake Gyllensomething is not a leading man... mmmmmkay? I hate movies that take place in either medieval times or back in the Mesopotamia whatever... they just are boring and who can relate to that nonsense... there are a few exceptions, but I won't get into them now... ok I'll get into one... "Princess Bride" is one of the best movies ever... that's kinda Medievaly right?
  • "The Bounty Hunter" - J-Ass picks the worst movies... what happened to her? Her best movie is "Office Space"... and Gerard Butler can just go away
  • "Little Fockers" - haven't seen it yet but if it's anything like "Meet the Fockers"... holy hell
  • "Killers" - Katherine Heigl makes me angry when I watch her act (she's super hot tho)
  • "Green Zone" - Another war movie... didn't see that one coming... soooo boring
  • "Charlie St. Cloud" - didn't see it... didn't need to... fuck Zac Efron... spell your first name correctly you duschebag
  • "Jonah Hex" - biggest tank job of the summer box office
I'm sure I'm missing a few... but those movies above are painful... too bad "Siskel and Ebert" isn't on anymore... they would have had fun with these stinkjobs...

By the dubs... one of the most underrated shows ever, "The Critic", did an entire episode on Siskel and Ebert... here is there parts of the episode... as always, just like Katy Perry's juggs... this is a sight to see :)

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