Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bears Prediction!

Let's get this out of the way... Rex Ryan is a nutjob... so is his wife... feet are disgusting and foot fetishes are worse... I'm being seriously Mrs. Rex whoever you are... get help

Okaleedokalee... moving right along...

Daaa Bearse and the Foot Clan (sick TMNT reference, I know) should be a really good game... why? Because both teams are completely schizo and who the efffff knows which teams are going to show up?

Bearse get bomblasted two weeks ago by the future Super Bowl champs... so did the Foot Clan... but then the Foot Clan also went on to lose to Ray Finkle and the Fish... BUT, they rebound to beat the Steelers in Pittsburgh? WTF

Meanwhile, The Beloved end stinky Brett's career last week... and Joe Webb... ohhhh Joe Webb... well, he's terrible at life...

In da Bearse domination station against the Vikes... Devin Hester became the all time leader in returns for a touchdown... SCHWING! And he did it in like a thousand less games than Brian Mitchell...

Brian Mitchell, you're f**kin' out!

So what will happen at Spaceship Field today? Simple... Sanchez blows soo hard... and normally he doesn't play well... and of course, this week will be no exception... HA!

Da Bearse will not put up 40 points like they did last week... in fact, it might be a very ugly game offensively... The Foot Clan love to blitz... and da Bearse don't like to pick up the blitz... translation... Jay Baby needs his dancin' shoes today!


The Beloved - 16
The Foot Clan - 13

A first round bye is on the line... this is it, don't get scared now...

If da Bearse come out to this song... they will have no problems today...

"Be Kind, Rewind" FTW

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