Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I watch "Glee"...

Told you this blog was like South Parky topical... 

I don't watch "Glee" every week... just sometimes, mmmmmkay?

I don't really get the appeal of the show outside of some pretty cool tunes... the story lines are weak and there is a gimmick cameo like every week... sooo I don't know how much legs this show has, but whatevs...

STILL - the music is pretty damn good, and tonight, they may have done their best song yet, in my opinion...

Now obviously, this version isn't as good as the "Wham!" version... George Michael is a saint and that song was in my wheelhouse back in the day when Kennewick Karaoke was what all the cool kids would do... this version isn't without its charm...

With that said... let's be real... "Glee" Christmas doesn't hold a candle to other shows Christmas festivities...

Front and center... my favorite Christmas moment from any TV show is without a doubt "Kiss Saves Santa"... sorry "Glee", but your fuckin' out!

Someone stole Santa? THAT DOES NOT ROCK!!!

Classic... and finally... it's not a "Simpsons" xmas episode per se, but Robert Goulet sings "Jingle Bells", and that's good enough...


In conclusion... I know I take a hit on some man points by watching "Glee", but I also win those points back by being able to admit I've watched the show more than once... c'mon, everyone has seen this show once... and dudes, I know you, like me, have definitely watched it at least a few times... so make fun of me if you want... I can handle it... I'M A MAN! I'M 24! COME AFTER ME!!!

Damnit I miss Mike Gundy... need to watch the best press conference ever right now... ahhhhhhhh here it is... this version has some Ricky Bobby clips spliced in...

Ok... good talk... see ya out there...


  1. I can't get on board brah. I haven't seen an episode, but Ive heard several songs. It just seems like crappy versions of mostly awesome songs...

  2. Sounds... like you're living in the past... 'COMTEMPORIZEEEEEE MANNNNN" - hippie simpsons guy
