Monday, December 27, 2010

My Top 5 Movies of 2010!

Remember my view on how I rate movies... this is not going to be like the list you see professional critics do... there won't be any artsy fartsy bullspit movie on my list... I comment on movies people actually SEE! And the way I rate them is on how fun they are to watch... movies don't get extra points in my book because the subject matter might be more serious... remember, it's a MOVIE! It's not real and it shouldn't be judged as such... you go see a movie to have FUN... so that's how I judge them...

My Top 5 Movies of 2010 (there are still many movies I need to see... so this is based on what I've seen, which still is a lot of movies)

Honorable mention:
  • "The Wolfman" - You just don't see many good monster movies anymore these days... this one came out in the beginning of the year and did not disappoint... it rocked
  • "The Crazies" - There has been a lot of zombie movies recently... this is one of the best
  • "MacGruber" - Without a doubt the year's funniest movie... it had no competition
  • "The Karate Kid" - Too many remakes these days... I was skeptical about this one because I love the original... this was different enough that it nearly can stand alone as it's own film... and by the way, it was excellent
  • "The Fighter" - Guaranteed Oscar nod/win for Best Supporting Actor for Christian Bale... this movie was his masterpiece and he steals it from Marky Mark, who was excellent as well 
  • "Unstoppable" - Denzel chases down a runaway freight train... that's all you need to know... it was perfection
5 - "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Since I'm a huge horror fan, I had to have at least one classic horror genre movie in the top five... I saw this movie at a midnight showing in good ole Pasco... it was a packed crowd and it was hoppin'... horror movies are meant to be seen with a lot of people... the jumps are soo much more fun when you are in the middle of a huge crowd... Jackie Earle Haley dominated as Freddy... obviously he is not as good as Robert Englund, but JEH was still great... similar to Malcolm McDowell as Dr. Loomis in the two Rob Zombie "Halloween" movies, MM was great, but obviously he can't replace Donald Pleasence... "ANOES" was a fun movie and I totally loved it... the last 10 seconds of the movie was a classic horror JUMP ending!

4 - "Inception"

This was a real mind-f*ck of a movie, but in a totally epic way... easily the most original movie in a long time, and the story is told soo crisply you pick up the quick moving complicated plot in stride... Leo rocks as always... this movie even has Jake Taylor in a prominent supporting role... yep, Tom effin' Berenger! That's all you need to know... this movie was the tits

3 - "The Expendables"

There have been some great action movies in the last few years like "Taken" and "Rambo"... this movie joins those films as just kick ass action movies... just a total guy movie all the way... Stallone pulls out all the stops and brings together the best cast in action movie history... Rocky, Statham, Jet Li, IVAN DRAGO... this list goes on... the last 20 minutes of this movie is the best action I have seen since the classic 80's action movies like "Predator"... this was a flawless action film and was soo much fun to watch

2 - "The Social Network"

I have two regrets in my "STT" reviews so far... it was giving this movie 3.5 stars instead of 4 and giving "Due Date" 3 stars instead of like 2 or 2.5... "DD" was nothing special... no big deal, even my boy Roger Dodger Ebert has admitted mistakes on his ratings...

This was as intense of a movie as there was in 2010... great performances by surefire Oscar contenders Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield... even Justin Timberlake has Oscar buzz with his performance...

We are told what we didn't know about Mark Zuckerberg... the man was ruthless in his creating of the most popular Website on planet Earth... and even quite possibly, the Universe... and we cut back and forth between the development of Facebook and the court proceedings between Big Z and those two duschebag twins who sue Zuckerberg for "stealing" the idea of Facebook...

This was a flawless film

1 - "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps"

I'm going to be in the minority on this pick... that's fine... this movie was outstanding...

It's really the first movie to cover the 2008 Crash, and it does it soo well by weaving in actual events with fictional characters like Louis Zabel, Bretton James and of course, Gordon Gekko...

Michael Douglas is once again Oscar nomination worthy for his performance as Gekko... everytime he is one screen, it's like nobody else exists... he is a force

Shia LaBuff (don't want to look up the spelling) is good too... way better than he was in "Indy 4"

Josh Brolin is soo good as the ruthless James... he buries Wall Street titan Louis Zabel (Frank Langella, phenomenal) and his company in the beginning of the movie, which leads to Zabels suicide... powerful sh*t

The original "Wall Street" was one of the best movies of the 80's... and this follow up 23 years later proved the series had plenty more to say

Did prison really change Gekko? This is a man who seemed to be without a soul in the first movie... he claims that is what made him a good business man... but in this movie, we see a softer Gordon, at least for a little bit... he spends most of the movie like a shark, watching from afar and waiting to attack...

The movie is a commentary on people who live life and lost something they loved... it's heartbreaking at times and prosperous at other times...

It is certainly the best photographed film I saw in 2010... this is a rare sequel that not only feels relevant, but necessary... and it was my favsies of 2010!


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