Sunday, November 7, 2010


This could be bad... like... Spiderman 3 bad...

Well they got the Bills... who don't have a win... but they've looked better in their last two games than the Bears have... they lost to KC and Baltimore in close games... Bears have lost to two shit teams in Seattle and Washington... I mean, McNabb was benched for Grossman... which was hilarious... McNabb is done being good... he's not even good enough to get to the big games anymore so he could choke them away... sooooo... GO SEXY REXY!

Back to daaa Bearse... I don't know what to think... I haven't picked a game right all season... no reason to start now... what I do know is I will probably be like these guys in the video below watching the game today... this cartoon is epic


The Beloved - 17
Shitty Bills - 20

I'm picking da Bearse to lose for the good of the team... c'mon 5-3!!!

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