Tuesday, November 30, 2010

GREATEST video game music of all time - part 6!

This goes to the greatest baseball game for Nintendo... ever... sorry RBI Baseball and Bad News Baseball, you guys are fuckin' out!

Ryne Sandberg plays...

First, he appears on the cover of the best baseball game ever for NES, and probably for any system (Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball for SNES was sick, its a toss up)... now, Ryno is the manager for your CHICAGO CU... ooops, I mean the AAA Phillies coach... fuck you, Hendry!

With great hitters like Leland and Brodie, and unhittable pitchers like Talbot, this was a game that just couldn't be beat... I played this game non-stop growing up as a kid and it helped shape the man I am today... a man with a short attention span who is kinda slllooooowwwwwww... thanks Nintendo

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