Friday, November 26, 2010

Classic Montages - Bonnie Tyler Edition!

Has there been a more used montage song than Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out for a Hero"? I don't think so...

With that said... I'd be lying if I said I could get enough of montages with this song. It beats the hell out of the over used "Thunderstruck"... good lord that song needs to go away and never come back...

Many movies and TV shows have used this song below... some I couldn't find clips for, or at least good clips... this song is in the pilot for "Lois and Clark: The Adventures of Superman"... I found the clip on Youtube, but it was in Spanish... fail

It is also in "Who's Harry Crumb?"  "WHC?" is a completely underrated movie... John Candy? YESSS!!!!

My favorite appearance of the song is in "Short Circuit 2"...

...more on that in a moment...

First and foremost, if you haven't heard the song, wtf dude? Where have you been?

Here it is dammmmmmitttttt

That video is pretty fucked up... wayyyyy better than Lady Gaga's videos, HA!

Moving right along... here are the 3 best appearances in other media for the epic song, "Holding Out for a Hero"...

3 - Bandits

Look, I've never actually seen this movie... but Cate Blanchett is balls hot... deal? Ok cool

2 - Shrek 2

Couple things:

This clip is all sorts of epic... and "Shrek 2" is hilarious... actually, it's the only Shrek I've ever seen... I suppose I should see the others... but... fuck it

1 - Short Circuit 2

The only word for that clip is PERFECTION... and the good kind of perfection, not like that "Friends" episode back in the day when Chandler is like, "Gum would be perfection"... what a goonbot

Bottom line for this post... I can't sleep and I'm watching the DVD commentary on Simpsons season 7... D'OH!

Final Note - Season 4 of the Simpsons was the best season of any show... ever

G'nite Muncie! (I'm not in Muncie)

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