Thursday, November 4, 2010

What movies should I add to my collection?

Need some suggestions... I have a very large selection of movies... and my mission is to always add more, more, MORE!!!!

I've set aside a few dollars to buy new movies at this used movie place near my work in dirty dirty 630 Downers Grove... roughly 3 billion dollars... no joke... Obama called me asking for cash

BO - Kyle, give us soma dat money!
me - How did you get this number?
BO - Doesn't matter. Did you vote?
BO - I don't understand the reference...
me - Why did you call?
BO - Need summa dat sweet sweet money
me - I'll give it to ya if you say, "Kyle, I love the Cubs"
BO - Gladly... "Kyle, I love the Cubs"
me - HAHAHA you love the Cubs... and I am spending this money on moooooovies! (click... and I hung up on the President... facial LaFleur... major facial)

That may or may not have happened...

FOCUS KYLE - ok... so I found this re-dick-ee-donkey movie store like 2 seconds from my office that has every movie known to man for only 4 dollars a movie. Seriously... name a movie and they have it. I've already bought soo many gems like Daylight, Red Dragon, The Stepfather, Who's Harry Crumb?, Religulous and Multiplicity.

I've started to compile a list of flicks I need to get! It starts with one of the most underrated comedies ever... Grumpy Old Men

This movie rocks... and the sequel is good too... and the outtakes at the end of the movie is nucking futs


Here are some other ones I can think of that I need...

  • Doc Hollywood
  • Boiler Room - seriously a ridiculously underrated movie... by far Ben Affleck's best movie... and of course, Harry Senate is in the flick
  • Hitch - I get all my dance moves from Kevin James
  • the Karate Kid remake - one of the best films of 2010 IMO... Jackie Chan was fantastic
  • The Secret to my Success - MJFox is the tits
  • Eddie - guilty pleasure sports movie
  • 2012 - another fun end of the world movie... they are the best
  • Cellular - Chris Evans owns... can't wait to see him in Captain America
  • Quiz Show - Herb Stemple was totally screwed
  • Snake Eyes - Nick Cage... Gary Sinese... Brian De Palma... nuff said
  • The Truman Show - should have been nominated for best picture... and Jim Carrey got totally fucked by the academy
  • Curly Sue - this is one of John Hughes most underrated movies
  • She's Having a Baby - another underrated Hughes movie... and Kevin Bacon is mah favsies
  • Hollow Man - again... love me some K-Bacon... and can't go wrong with Elizabeth Shue
  • Adventures in Babysitting - more Elizabeth Shue... and an underrated Chicago movie
  • Doctor Detroit - classic Dan Aykroyd
  • Fletch/Fletch lives - classic Chevy Chase
  • What's Eating Gilbert Grape - just a great movie

ALRIGHT... I'm sure there are tons more... but I'm busy watching DAAA BULLS and getting ready for a new Sunny episode all the while, I need a refill on my vodka tonic...

PLEASE leave comments for suggestions on movies I should get... and please... no "good" movies... I either want "great" movies or "terrible" ones... those are the only ones I watch...  "good" movies have no repeatability... at least that is what I choose to believe...


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