Saturday, November 13, 2010

Unstoppable - 3.5 stars

I miss movies like this. See, its real simple... there is a runaway train... and Denzel has to chase it down... the only word for that is EPIC!

Unstoppable is a supreme action movie.

It totally delivers everything a movie like this promises... dumb conductors who fuck around and allow a train to leave the yard unattended, Denzel/Pine = old school/new school, a bunch of corporate idiots who have no clue how to stop this runaway beast (one of my favsies, Kevin Dunn, is awesome as the corporate goon)...

And of course... the movie has...

Rosario Dawson - MARRY ME!

Moving right along... this is director Tony Scott and Denzel's follow up to last years "Taking of Pelham 1 2 3"... which I really liked... I mean, you can't go wrong with an out-of-control John Travolta... unless its Battlefield Earth... ughh

This movie is better than that one. This is one of the best disaster movies in a long time, or at least, realistic ones. I liked last years "2012", but that is obviously crazy... the Mayans, pfft, what a bunch of dumbs...

This is a classic example of a great theatre experience... you will NOT be disappointed... when you find out that Denzel and Chris Pine have to hop on a train to go chase down the runaway train, and Pine says, "Lets chase this bitch down"... if that doesn't get you fired up... then I don't know what the hells the matter with you

Denzel rocks...

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