Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bears Recap - the fuck Favre edition!


Great win against the shittiest NFL "Legend" of all time... 4 turnovers from Favre is almost as good as an open bar... almost...

Secondly, I still don't get why people kick to this man...

He didn't return one for points today, but he had two sick returns that put da Bearse in great field position.

6-3 feels really good because it looks, FOR NOW, like da Bearse are putting together an actual legitimate NFL football team. Take away the red zone pick by Jay Baby and Chris Harris going to sleep on covering Pussy Harvin down the field, and this was a totally dominant game by The Beloved.

Here are some thoughts from a great win today:
  • D.J. Moore is quickly turning into a healthy poor mans Mike Brown... Johnny on the Spot for the interceptions this year
  • Lance Briggs on the pick... ACE
  • Absolutely loved Jay Baby going back to Olsen on the first touchdown of the game, right after Olin Kreutz screwed them out of a touchdown on the previous play
  • Speaking of Kreutz... please retire after the season... tired of your penalties
  • Johnny Knox is like da Bearse Kyle Korver... HE GETS OPEN GOD DAMMIT!
  • Mike Martz is finally calling a balanced attack... they aren't rushing for a lot of yards... but the attempts add up and control the clock... thanks for doing your job, Michael
  • Cutler finally looking like he gives a shit out there... I'm soo tired of the emotionless expressions... he usually like Abed from Community without the pop culture refs... by the dubs... Community is awesome
  • Favre is a disgrace... if he had retired after the final game in '06 at Soldier Field, he could have been regarded as a classy NFL legend... but NOOOO... since then, he has unretired every year... cost his teams 2 Super Bowl appearances... and emailed his ding dong to a national audience... you are no role model... you would rather drink a beer than win father of the year... and you aren't good at football anymore... why don't you just go home!!??!?!?!?!?!!
All in all... great win... best win of the year, well, besides the Packer win, of course...

BEAR DOWN, (first place) CHICAGO BEARS!!!

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