Friday, November 26, 2010

VILLAINS - Part 3 of 3 - Top 5 Villains!

Let's cut through the crap, Vaughn... and get to the top 5 Villains... like... ever


Honorable Mention:
  • Michael Myers - normally... he would be a slam dunk for the list, but I gave him soo much STT love at Halloween, I'm just a lil bit burnt out... seriously tho... MM is tits and I love being him for Halloween... he's 50 times better than Freddy and Jason
  • Hans Gruber - Alan Rickman should have been nominated for an Oscar for this role in Die Hard... it's a joke he wasn't
  • Vigo the Carpathian - 105 years old, he hung in there, didn't ? He was poisoned, stabbed, shot, hung, stretched, disemboweled, drawn and quartered... ouch...
  • Clubber Lang - was rude to Adrian, and it was hilarious... HEY WOMAN!!!
  • Sideshow Bob - he is the most persistent killer known to man... also, I voted for Sideshow Bob over that SPEND-O-CRAT, diamond Joe Quimby
5 - Ivan Drago

He didn't have many lines in Rocky IV... he didn't need to have many lines... look at this summma bitch... he's outta control

A great fight would have been Drago vs. Thunderlips, ULTIMATE MALE!

Not only was he Rocky's most brutal opponent, but he murdered Apollo... IF HE DIES, HE DIES!!!

Rocky shoulda thrown the damn towel... it was supposed to be an exhibition... understand? AN EXHIBITION!!!

4 - Ed Rooney


3 - Stay Puft Marshmellow Man

It just popped in there... I tried to think of the most harmless thing... something I loved from my childhood... something that could never ever possibly destroy us... MR. STAY PUFT!

If the Ghostbusters had just got this 100 foot sailor LAID, they wouldn't have had any problems... but he started stepping on churches... and things got real dicey real quick...

2 - Lex Luthor

I pretty much love all versions of Lex Luthor... Gene Hackman's was classic... Kevin Spacey's was good too... but Michael Rosenbaum's "Smallville" Lex is the best... especially in the early seasons before he goes full blown evil

When he is still friends with Clark, you can never really tell if he is genuine or not in his affection for the Kent's. But if you know anything about the Luthor family, you know there is always a selfish ulterior motive

But it is his "friendship" with Clark that makes him the best Lex ever... love this clip below

1 - Gordon Gekko

Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steel... and that's the fact, Jack!

"Wall Street" is one of the best movies ever made, and this falls sequel "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" was absolutely fantastic... leading the way in both of those films is Gordon Gekko, who is by far Michael Douglas' best character ever

He won the Oscar for the first film and could get a best supporting nod this year (and should)... his villainous Gekko is soo ruthless as the Wall Street shark that you find yourself rooting for him... he doesn't care who he runs over on his way to financial gain, it's all part of the game and that is what makes him as evil as it gets... much like Lex Luthor, he has no soul...

Greed, for lack of a better word, is good...

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