Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hans Gruber

I just finished Die Hard... along with several drinks... bingo bango bongo

Just like in "The Dark Knight" when the Joker is on screen or "Wall Street" when Gordon Gekko is lighting it up, you just can't get enough of Hans Gruber... he's the best part of a fabulous action movie... one of the best ever

Also, he's the most well dressed and well spoken terrorists of all time... just look at him...

He and his team of smooth talking Brits or foreigners of some sort had their shit together... until Bruce Willis threw Alan Rickman out of the skyscraper...

All in all... great movie... great villain... great actor (Rickman)... which brings up two of my favorite videos ever... one is from "Family Guy" and the other is a classic Collegehumor video...

Alan Rickman's Answering Machine

AND the best Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) impersonation you will ever see!!! Collegehumor original videos are as good as it gets!

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