Thursday, November 18, 2010

BEARS RECAP! Beast-Mode Edition!

16-0 win for the 700th win in team historyyyyyyyy..... Alexeiiiiiiiiiii..... YESSSSSSSSS!!!!

You don't see too many shutouts in the NFL anymore, especially on the road... slowly but surely... Lovie Smith is putting himself in position for another contract extension... normally, the notion would make me cringe, but when daa Bearse play like they did tonight... well... that's ace...

It helps when this dude goes for 3 sacks like he is supposed to... and against a very mobile QB in Tyler Pigpen

Now daa Bearse are a healthy 7-3 and in sole possession of first place ahead of those bozos in Green Bay... and we have a long time before we have to play again, which is nice considering their next game is against the best player in the league, Dog Boy...

Here are some thoughts from tonites bloodbath in Miami:
  • Nearly a hundo on the ground from Matt Forte and a TD... Sweet Action Jackson
  • 6 sacks in the game and a pick by Peanut... Rod Marinelli ftw
  • Daniel Manning... hit of the year
  • Robbie Gould 3 FG's... back to our regularly schedule Robbie Gould
  • Jay Baby threw a pick, but for the most part was putting the ball only where his receivers could catch it... he was like f'n Tom Glavine out there... and picking up 3rd down after 3rd down... sometimes even on the run... if he can just keep the mistakes down... Jay Baby is as good as it gets
  • Mad Martz continues to call a balanced game... could him and Jay Baby be a marriage that lasts for years? If so, daa Bearse are going to be good for awhile...
  • Dolphins suck... and all of the Miami writers picked the Dolphins to win... good lord Miami is bad at everything... I guess anyone can be a sportswriter these days...
  • LeBron sucks
  • How many more flags will Webb get on the O-line? He was playing like a keg exploded and a metal part shot off of it and hit him right in the dick... yes... I flipped over to Sunny at halftime/early 3rd
Now for a stress free weekend of sitting back... relaxing... strappin it down and enjoying first place!!!

FINALLY - when daaaaa '85 Bearse lost their lone game in Miami, they filmed the Super Bowl Shuffle THE NEXT DAY!!!!

That's badass... so is the video...

My faves is Steve Fuller...