Wednesday, November 17, 2010

SUPERHEROES - Part 3 of 3 - Top 5 Superheroes!

The only trilogy greater than my three parter about Superheroes is Back to the Future... it is light years ahead of those piece of shit hobbit movies

Top 5 Superheroes... and here... we... go...

  • Iron Man - Tony Stark is a total badass... and he can fly... suck brick, Batman...
  • Mighty Mouse - Here I come to save the day!!!
  • Professor X - The brains of the X-Men... if you tried a sneak attack from behind him, he would just use his telepathy to turn your body into a pool of jelly... yikes
  • Judge Dredd - Stallone... nuff said

5 - Ghostbusters

"Hey Kyle, the Ghostbusters aren't Superheroes!"

Let me wrap my brain around this one... they beat villains that are in every which way more threatening than anyone Spiderman or Batman ever face... fuckin' Vigo was going to take over the world for christ sake... and their weapons are the coolest things in movie history along with the Hover Board

Just because they are hilarious, doesn't mean they aren't super as shit... deal with it

And the music video is one of the all time greats with soo many awesome cameos... the last 30 seconds with the Ghostbusters walking down Times Square with Ray Parker Jr is the coolest thing ever...

4 - Rorschach

Rorschach has the most original mask in the history of Superheroes. The ink blots are always changing... and he is probably the most resourceful of all Superheroes... like MacGruber, he uses everything in his surroundings to his advantage, such as taking a can of hair spray and match and blow torching cops... snap, snap

I'm a big fan of the Watchmen, and thought the movie was the best of 2009...

3 - The Flash

It's like Mick says in Rocky 2... "We need speed, speed is what we need, greasy, fast, SPEED!!!

It's next to impossible to react to this guy's attack. You're not going to see him coming, and by the time you realize he's there, he's already beat the fuck out of you a hundred times over

2 - Hulk

I like the Hulk because unlike most other Superheroes, he truly is tortured by the hero side of his character... and he has the best line that any Superhero has, "You're making me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry"

Also, there has been 2 Hulk movies... the Eric Bana one and the Edward Norton one... I am totally in the minority when I say I absolutely love the Eric Bana one... much like Superman Returns, people don't like it because it actually has a story and isn't just mindless action

Eric Bana's Bruce Banner > Ed Norton's... fact

1 - Superman

Anyone that knows me knows that I luvvvv me some Superman... he is the best Superhero, and he has the best villains (hmmm... I could probably do a villains blog piece just like this one...)

Superman is one of the Superheroes who's alternate identity isn't the Superhero... Kal-El IS Superman... Clark Kent is the alter ego... and he is so much more likeable than Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker and other human persona's.

Superman represents what America is all about: Truth, Justice and the American way!

His first big save, well, technically his second save, the first is when he caught the truck that almost fell on Mr. Kent when Clark was a baby... but when he first saves Lois, it's such a great scene... I wish I would have been able to see this in theatres in 1978 when it came out, because you had never seen anything like this one the big screen before

Superman FTW

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