Monday, November 15, 2010

SUPERHEROES - Part 2 of 3 - Top 5 Overrated Superheroes!

Let's talk about the bitch superheroes...

Let me preface this by saying, this list doesn't just contain superheroes that I don't like... some of them I like very much... but they are certainly overrated... either because they really aren't that super at all... or they are just f'n annoying...

  • Ghost Rider - wtf?
  • Daredevil - you suck and your movie sucks... blind bum
  • Catwoman - hahahaha, too easy

5 -  Batman

    Yup, I said it. And believe me, I love Batman.

    But all Batman really is is a spoiled rich bitch with some really nifty gear. Yeah, he knows karate and fighting techniques, but when has he ever had to use them against anyone who is actually a physical force? Maybe Bane? And you never see him around, like ever...

    He has trouble beating up the Joker, who physically, is total puss... it's not like he has to beat up General Zod or Doomsday for christ sake...

    He normally only has to solve Gothams problems, and he has trouble with that. Even "The Coon" takes on global issues like the BP Oil Spill!!!

    Bottom line - if you shoot Batman in the face... he's dead... killed dead.

    4 - Hellboy

    Honestly... I've never seen any of these movies. You made the list because you look ridiculous.

    That's all. Next time, Hellboy, don't look ridiculous and people will actually see your movies... dumbass

    3 - Wolverine

    I don't think there is a more boring superhero out there. Logan is the least interesting comic book character out there. The only time this guy is fun to watch is when he puts cigars out in his palm.

    I actually like the X-Men movies, and Hugh Jackman is a total badass... but Wolverine didn't deserve his own movie... probably why the movie sucked and didn't do that well at the BO.

    Also, his pining over Dr. Jean Gray... almost as bad as that bitch Peter Parker (oooooo foreboding)

    2 - Aquaman

    Ok Aquaman is seriously worthless. He probably should be number one... but that is reserved for the biggest bitch superhero.

    Like a fish, because he is a fish, out of the water, he's as useful as a poopy flavored lollypop.

    Love when Family Guy ripped on him... do we have a clip? Thought we had a clip... uhhhh K found it...

    1 - Spiderman

    Peter Parker is soo annoying it's painful. I like Spiderman 2... but that's about it...

    He spends all of his time pining over that ugly, no acting talent hack Mary Jane... whaddda bitch

    And his powers... Spiderweb... weaksauce... and just how powerful his is strength?

    Like he can stop a train, but he can't beat up that pansy James Franco? And talk about weak ass villains... Doctor Octopus? Supes would just rip off his tentacles and put them in his golf bag...

    And "Spiderman 3" is soo unwatchable it is not even funny... it's not a soo bad it's good superhero movie like "Batman and Robin"

    Here are the 145 reasons why "Spiderman 3" sucks...

    NEXT - THE CONCLUSION: Top 5 Superheroes!


    1. Hi!,

      I'm the guy that made that Spider-man 3 video! Thanks for sharing it with the world. I like your blog by the way, it's pretty cool.


    2. thanks man... love the video! that movie was hilariously bad... ur the man!
