Sunday, November 21, 2010

VILLAINS - Part 1 of 3 - Top 5 Underrated Villains!

Now that I've released my top Superhero lists to the masses... it's time for the lists that contain the far more interesting people... the villains!

Villains, by nature, are far more interesting than the heroes... and the reason is simple - they play by their own rules, they do what they want, and they are badass at everything except getting their real goals accomplished, which most of the time is taking over the world, killing Superman, getting rich, killing many, and so forth.


Honorable Mention
  • Mr. Burns - See... My... Vest! All great villains have their idiot sidekicks... Lex Luthor has Otis... Mr. Burns has Smithers... done and done
  • Sid (from Toy Story) - that kid was a total dick
  • Casanova Frankenstein - just watched "Mystery Men" for the first time in forevsies... it was awesome... CF was good, but got hit shit kicked by Mr. Furious... all villains have to fall at some point
  • Tommy Gunn - at first, he was just after Adrian's mac-n-cheese... but it turned out he was just after the money... and Rocky kicked his ass... major facial
5 - The Scoleri Brothers

Friends of yours? I tried them for murder! GAVE THEM THE CHAIR!!!

Egon said that they might have just went away if Judge "The Hammer" Wexler would have just said he didn't believe in ghosts... but it took some of the good juice from the proton packs to nuke those fuckin spooks... good thing those packs have a half life of 5,000 years...

Ugly little spuds, aren't they?

4 - John Kreese


Look, say what you will about the Cobra Kai dojo and how it teaches its students to be ruthless... but Kreese is a total badass who doesn't back down from a fight... if he has to put his opponent in a body bag... that's what he's gonna do...

He just can't beat Miyagi...

3 - Buffalo Bill

This clip below is all the proof you need... PUT THE LOTION IN THE FUCKING BASKET!

2 - Heddo


Other than 2 pitches in the movie, when Henry TOTALLY fooled him with a changeup and when Henry K'ed his fatass on a Scuffy Magee style floater, Heddo was an f'n asshole... this one's for mommy! MOMMY!!!


1 - McPoyle brothers

Bump it...

These guys are fantastic creeps of the most hilarious nature... but make no mistake about it... if you put your guard down... they will fork stab you... and I'm sure that hurts worse than drinking the warm milk that they so love...

NEXT - Top 5 Overrated Villains!


  1. How about some love to Dennis Nedry from JP1? The laugh he had was perfect evil, and you can't forget "ah ah ah, you didn't say the magic word."

  2. PLEASE!?!?!?!?!

    great call... def missed that one!
